DISORDERED SEMICONDUCTORS physics and applications 2nd by Edition Coll – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9814774375, 9789814774376
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ISBN 10: 9814774375
ISBN 13: 9789814774376
Author: Anatoly Popov
Devices based on disordered semiconductors have wide applications. It is difficult to imagine modern life without printers and copiers, LCD monitors and TVs, optical disks, economical solar cells, and many other devices based on disordered semiconductors. However, nowadays books that discuss disordered (amorphous, nanocrystalline, microcrystalline)
DISORDERED SEMICONDUCTORS physics and applications 2nd Table of contents:
1 Introduction
1.1 Definition of Disordered State
1.2 Classification of Non-crystalline Systems
1.3 Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Glass Formation
2 Atomic Structure of Disordered Semiconductors
2.1 Structural Characteristics of Solids
2.2 Short-Range and Medium-Range Order
2.3 Methods of Investigation of Disordered System Structure
2.4 Simulation of Disordered Material Structure
2.5 Results of Structural Research of Disordered Semiconductors
2.5.1 Atomic Structure of Non-crystalline Selenium
2.5.2 Atomic Structure of Chalcogenide Glasses
2.5.3 Atomic Structure of Amorphous Silicon
2.5.4 Structure of Carbon-Based Amorphous and Nanocomposite Films
2.5.5 Structure of Organic Semiconductors
3 Electronic Structure and Properties of Disordered Semiconductors
3.1 Electronic Structure
3.1.1 Localized States in Disordered Semiconductors
3.1.2 Models of Energy Bands
3.1.3 Defect States in Disordered Semiconductors
3.1.4 Electronic Structure of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
3.1.5 Electronic Structure of Organic Semiconductors
3.2 Electrical Properties of Disordered Semiconductors
3.2.1 Electrical Conductivity Conductivity in extended States Conductivity in the tails of bands Conductivity in localized States at the Fermi level
3.2.2 Thermoelectric Power
3.2.3 Hall Effect Anomaly
3.2.4 Time of Flight Method
3.2.5 Features of the Charge Carrier Transport in Organic Semiconductors
3.3 Optical Properties of Disordered Semiconductors
3.4 Photoelectrical Properties of Disordered Semiconductors
3.4.1 Dependence on Light Flux Intensity
3.4.2 Dependence on Spectral Characteristics
3.4.3 Dependence on Temperature
3.4.4 Dependence on Electric Field Intensity
4 Methods for Controlling Properties of Disordered Semiconductors
4.1 Doping of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
4.2 Chemical Modification of Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor Film Properties
4.3 Conductivity Type Inversion in Bulk Glassy Chalcogenide
4.4 Structural Modification of Disordered Semiconductors Properties
4.4.1 Structural Modification at the Level of ShortRange Order
4.4.2 Structural Modification at the Medium-RangeOrder Level
4.4.3 Structural Modification at the Morphology/Heterogeneity Level
4.4.4 Structural Modification at the Defect Subsystem Level
4.4.5 Correlation between Structural Modification and Stability of Material Properties and Device Parameters
4.5 Chemical Modification of the Atomic Structure of Disordered Semiconductors
4.6 Structural, Chemical, and Phase Modification of Amorphous Diamond-Like Silicon-Carbon Films
4.6.1 Structural Modification of ASCFs
4.6.2 Chemical and Phase Modification of ASCF
4.6.3 Nanostructuring of ASCF
5 Preparation Methods of Disordered Semiconductor Films
5.1 Technological Distinctions of Chalcogenide Glassy Film Preparation
5.2 Preparation of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films by Glow Discharge Decomposition Method
5.3 Preparation of AIVBIV Alloys on the Base of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
5.4 Preparation of Hydrogenated Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition Methods
5.5 Preparation of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films by Sputtering Method
6 Optical Information Storage and Transmission Devices
6.1 Devices Based on Charge Pattern Recording
6.1.1 ElectrophotographicProcess
6.1.2 Semiconductor Materials for Photoreceptors
6.1.3 Multilayers and Variband Photoreceptors
6.1.4 Electroradiographic Process
6.1.5 Photo-thermoplastic Process
6.1.6 Vidicons on the Basis of Disordered Semiconductors
6.2 Devices Based on Photo-induced Transformations in Chalcogenide Glasses
6.2.1 Photo-structural Changes in Glassy Semiconductors
6.2.2 Photo-induced Metal Dissolution in Chalcogenide Glasses
6.2.3 Photo-induced Phase Transitions
7 Photoelectric Devices Based on Disordered Semiconductors
7.1 Renewable Energy Resources
7.2 Conversion of Solar Energy into Electricity
7.3 Photovoltaic Cells Based on Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
7.3.1 Condition for the Absorption of a Significant Part of Solar Radiation in the Active Region of the Cell
7.3.2 Condition for Small Value of Internal Photovoltaic Cell Resistance
7.4 Photovoltaic Cells Based on Silicon Heterojunction Technology
7.5 Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaic Cells
8 Electronic Devices Based on Disordered Semiconductors
8.1 Switching and Memory Devices on the Basis of Chalcogenide Alloys
8.1.1 Threshold Switching Effect in Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductors
8.1.2 Bistable (Memory) Switching in Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductors
8.1.3 Second Generation of Phase-Change Memory Devices
8.2 Silicon Thin-Film Transistors
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