Striving for Divine Union Spiritual Exercises for Suhraward Sufis Routledgecurzon Sufi Series 1st Edition by Qamar ul Huda- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1135788421, 9781135788421
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1135788421
ISBN 13: 9781135788421
Author: Qamar-ul Huda
This book examines the theological, philosophical and Islamic mystical dimensions of the Suhrawardî sufi order from the 13th to 15th centuries. The Suhrawardîs were a legally grounded and intellectually vibrant sufi order whose mystical path was based on exchanges and debates on the Qur’an and on the Prophet’s customs. The book analyses their interpretation of sacred texts: the Qur’an, hadiths, sunna, and malfuzat. This created a unique self-understanding, which developed specific sufi spiritual exercises. The book discusses new important ways of thinking about the sufi hermeneutics of the Qur’an and its contribution to Islamic intellectual and spiritual life.
Striving for Divine Union Spiritual Exercises for Suhraward Sufis Routledgecurzon Sufi Series 1st Table of contents:
1. The Life of Shaikh ʿAbū Hafs ʿUmar al-SuhrawardĪ
Islamic Education: A Hanbalī Scholar and Sūfī
Shaikh al-Islām and Political Statesman Under Caliph al-Nāsir
Caliph al-Nāsir’s Involvement With futūwwa Groups
Political and Diplomatic Trips
Shaikh al-Suhrawardī’s Relationship With the Nizārī Ismāʿīlīs
2. ʿAwārif al-Maʿārif: The Sūfī Manual of Shaikh ʿAbū Hafs ʿUmar al-Suhrawardī
The Sūfī Background of Shaikh ʿAbū Hafs ʿUmar al-Suhrawardī
Shaikh ʿAbū Hafs ʿUmar Suhrawardī: ʿAwārif al-Maʿārif
The taṣawwuf of Shaikh al-Suhrawardī
Shaikh al-Suhrawardī On Prayers
Explanations of Spirituality (rūhāniyyāt)
Knowledge of the Spirit and Soul
On Proper Etiquette – ādāb
Practicing the Art of Patience – sabr
Poverty and Asceticism – faqr wa ẓuhd
3. Sacred Identities In the Suhrawardīyya Order
Religious Identities and Rituals
Characteristics of Suhrawardī Sacred Identities
Historical Panegyric Poetry
The Sacred Identity and Sacred Place of ḥadīths With Sūfī Poetry
natʿiyya Poetry As a Source of Imagery
The Prophet As the Intercessor In Sūfī natʿiyya Poetry
Suhrawardīyya dhikr Rituals
4. The Suhrawardīyya silsilā In Multan and Ucch
Suhrawardī Sources
State Politics and Suhrawardī Sūfīs
The Suhrawardīyya silsilā Under Sultān Iltutmish
The Clash of Shaikh Rukn al-Dīn and Aiba Kishlu’s Rebellion
The Suhrawardīyya silsilā Expansion Into Ucch
5. Multanī Suhrawardī taṣawwuf Spiritual Exercises
Suhrawardī taṣawwuf
taṣawwuf Exercises
Purifying the Heart
Khulasāt al-ʿĀrifīn and Al-Awārd Texts
The Practice of Spiritual Exercises – dhikr
dhikr Namāz Khriftan
dhikr fiʿl Shaʿban
dhikr shab-e Barāt
dhikr fiʿl Ramadān
Salutations for Shaikh al-Suhrawardī’s Death Celebration – ʿurs
Salutations to Shaikh as-Sūfīyya wa Shaikh al-Islām – Shaikh ʿAbū Hafs ʿUmar al-Suhrawardī
Katam Sharīf Khajghān silsilā Suhrawardīyyā (raḥmat Allāh alāh)
Appendix A: Praises for God; Remembrance of Prayers
Appendix B: Prayer for Enlightenment; Prayer for shab-e barāt
1. The Life of Shaikh ʿAbū Hafs ʿUmar al-Suhraward–
2. ʿAwārif al-Maʿārif
3. Sacred Identities In the Suhraward–yya Order
4. The Suhraward–yya silsilā In Multan and Ucch
5. Multan– Suhraward– taṣawwuf Spiritual Exercises
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