Censorship Indirect Translations and Non Translation The Fateful Adventures of Czech Literature in 20th Century Portugal 1st edition by Jaroslav Spirk – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1443863300 978-1443863308
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1443863300
ISBN 13: 978-1443863308
Author: Jaroslav Spirk
Indirect Translations and Non-Translation: The (Fateful) Adventures of Czech Literature in 20th-century Portugal, a pioneering study of the destiny of Czech and Slovak literature in 20th-century Portugal, is a gripping read for anyone seeking to look into intercultural exchanges in Europe beyond the so-called dominant or central cultures. Concentrating on relations between two medium-sized lingua- and socio-cultures via translation, this book discusses and thoroughly investigates indirect translations and the resulting phenomenon of indirect reception, the role of paratexts in evading censorship, surprising non-translation, and by extension, the impact of political ideology on the translation of literature. In drawing on the work of Jiří Levý and Anton Popovič, two outstanding Czechoslovak translation theorists, this book opens up new avenues of research, both theoretically and methodologically. As a whole, the author paints a much broader picture than might be expected. Scholars in areas as diverse as translation studies, comparative literature, reception studies, Czech literature and Portuguese culture will find inspiration in this book. By researching translation in two would-be totalitarian regimes, this monograph ultimately contributes to a better understanding of the international book exchanges in the 20th century between two non-domin
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