Industrial Relations Theory and Practice 2nd Edition by Paul Edwards – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 063122257X, 9780631222576
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ISBN 10: 063122257X
ISBN 13: 9780631222576
Author: Paul Edwards
This is a completely revised and updated second edition of the acclaimed Industrial Relations. The new book gives particular attention throughout to the effects of international and European developments on British Industrial Relations.
Industrial Relations Theory and Practice 2nd Table of contents:
1. The Employment Relationship and the Field of Industrial Relations (Paul Edwards).
2. The Historical Evolution of British IR (Richard Hyman).
3. The Labour Market: History, Structure and Prospects (Peter Nolan and Gary Slater).
4. Foreign Multinationals and Industrial Relations Innovation in Britain (Anthony Ferner).
5. The State: Economic Management and Incomes Policy(Colin Crouch).
6. Labour Law and Industrial Relations: A New Settlement? (Linda Dickens and Mark Hall).
7. Management: Systems, Structures and Strategy (Keith Sisson and Paul Marginson).
8. The Management of Pay as the Influence of Collective Bargaining Diminishes (William Brown, Paul Marginson and Janet Walsh).
9. Trade Union Organization (Jeremy Waddington).
10. Employee Representation: Shop Stewards and the New Legal Framework (Michael Terry).
11. Industrial Relations in the Public Sector (Stephen Bach and David Winchester).
12. Indivisualism and the Collectivism in Industrial Relations (Ian Kessler and John Purcell).
13. New Forms of Work Organization: Still Limites, Still Controlled but Still Welcome? (John F. Geary).
14. Managing without Unions: The Sources and Limitations of Individualism (Trevor Colling).
15. Training (Ewart Keep and Helen Rainbird).
16. The Industrial Relations of a Diverse Workforce(Sonia Liff).
17. Low Pay and the National Minimum Wage (Jill Rubery and Paul Edwards).
18. Employment Relations in Small Firms (Richard Scase).
19. Industrial Relations, HRM and Performance (Peter Nolan and Kathy O’donnell).
20. Concluding Comments (Paul Edwards).
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