Creativity and Reason in Cognitive Development 1st Edition by James C Kaufman – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:0521843855, 9780521843850
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0521843855
ISBN 13: 9780521843850
Author: James C. Kaufma
Table of contents:
1 Expertise and Reason in Creative Thinking: Evidence from Case Studies and the Laboratory
the definition of creativity
expertise and reason: dichotomy or continuum?
expertise and creativity
Demands versus Content of Expertise
questions about expertise and reason in creative thinking: the tension view
Could Domain-Specific Expertise Play a Role in Creative Thinking?
darwinian theory of creativity and the tension between expertise and creativity
could logic and reason play a role in creative thinking?
Logic versus Insight
Against Expertise and reason: Conclusions
expertise and creativity: case studies
The Demands of Expertise: Practice and the 10-Year Rule in Creative Thinking
Case Studies of Development of Creativity: Composition of Music
Practice and Creativity
case studies of expertise and creativity in the visual arts
Calder’s Mobiles
Pollock’s Poured Paintings
Expertise and Creativity in the Arts: Conclusions
expertise and innovation in science and technology
The Double Helix
The Wright Brothers’ Invention of the Airplane
Edison and the Light Bulb
case studies of expertise in creativity: summary
expertise and insight in problem solving
expertise and creative thinking: conclusions
2 Creative Genius, Knowledge, and Reason: The Lives and Works of Eminent Creators
Expertise Acquisition: Creative Potential
Expert Performance: Creative Productivity
The Age Curve: A Mathematical Model
Quantity versus Quality: The Equal-Odds Rule
3 Dynamic Processes Within Associative Memory Stores: Piecing Together the Neural Basis of Creative
associative memory networks in creative cognition
processes underlying the modification of associative hierarchies
associate suppression and retrieval-induced forgetting
inhibition and disinhibition in creative cognition
4 The Creativity of Everyday Moral Reasoning: Empathy, Disgust, and Moral Persuasion
the moral circle
reason and emotion in the expansion of the moral circle
empathy and moral thought
disgust and moral thought
creativity and moral persuasion
source 1: moral persuasion through the creative use of language
source 2: moral persuasion through the creative use of images
source 3: moral persuasion through the creative use of stories, songs, and films
conclusion: reasoning, creativity, and emotion in moral judgment
5 Reasoning and Personal Creativity
Personal Creativity
Values Directing Reasoning
Development and the Creativity of Children
Misjudgment and the Recognition of Creativity
Insight, Rationality, and Perfect Knowledge
6 Alternative Knowledge Structures in Creative Thought: Schema, Associations, and Cases
Knowledge Systems
Process Execution
7 The Role of the Knowledge Base in Creative Thinking
learning and development of the knowledge base
8 The Role of Domain Knowledge in Creative Problem Solving
role of factual knowledge in mathematical problem solving
role of conceptual knowledge in mathematical problem solving
role of strategic knowledge in mathematical problem solving
role of procedural knowledge in mathematical problem solving
role of metacognitive knowledge in mathematical problem solving
9 Creative Thinking and Reasoning: Can You Have One Without the Other?
Reasoning and Motivation
creativity/creative thinking
Creativity and Motivation
creative thinking and reasoning
Implications for Research
Implications for Practice
10 From Alexithymia, Borne of Trauma and Oppression, to Symbolic Elaboration, the Creative Expressio
the development of emotional expression, normal and pathological
interhemispheric transfer deficit theory
the alexithymic personality
the development of complex emotions
symbolic elaboration: the case of envy and related emotions
Envy, Ambition, and Confidence Defined as Tertiary Emotions
Aggression: Destructive and Creative
discussion: creativity, affect, and rationality
11 Opening up Creativity: The Lenses of Axis and Focus
Axis 1: Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions of Creativity
Axis 2: Focus on Modular Tasks or Broad Situations
horizontal and vertical creativity in dance and law
creativity and expertise interaction in the subdomains of Law
creativity and expertise interaction in the subdomains of law
Box 1-Vertical Creativity, General-Situation Expertise: Small-Town Law.
Box 2-Horizontal Creativity, Broad-Situational Expertise: Cyberlaw
Box 3-Vertical Creativity, Modular-Task Expertise: Trust
Box 4- Horizontal Creativity, Modular-Task Expertise: Mergers and Acquisitions
Creativity and Expertise in Dance
The Matrix Revisited
Individual Variation
Temporal Dynamics
Educational Implications
Developmental and Educational Perspectives
12 Creativity in Young Children’s Thought
nonconventional language use
Metaphoric Language
theory construction
Innate Potential
Reasoning About Insides
generalizing from specifics
Category-Based Induction
Generic Language
13 A Young Artist’s Story: Advancing Knowledge and the Development of Artistic Talent and Creativity
Views of Artistic Development in Children
The Development of Children’s Artistic Talent and Creativity
Educational Intervention and Children’s Changing Artistic Process and Products
Eric: An Artist in the Making
14 Is It Reasonable to Be Creative?
creativity and reasoning in childhood
creativity and reasoning in adolescence
creativity and reasoning in adulthood
Emergence of Postformal Reasoning
Creativity and Dialectical Thinking
15 Does Culture Always Matter: For Creativity, Yes, for Deductive Reasoning, No!
Mechanisms of Formal Reasoning and Creativity
Cultural Influence on Reasoning and Creativity
16 Higher Level Thinking in Gifted Education
teaching to higher level skills
use of models
creative problem solving
critical thinking
Template for Analyzing the Logic of an Article
combining critical and creative thinking
role of mentors
program planning in teaching creativity and critical thinking
17 The Relationship Among Schooling, Learning, and Creativity: “All Roads Lead to Creativity” or
creativity, knowledge, and formal schooling
potential sources of marginalization
the student experience in a teacher-centered classroom
the definitional issue
revisiting the relationship between creativity and learning
concluding thoughts
the role of teacher preparation programs
18 How Early School Experiences Impact Creativity: An Ecological Perspective
seeing creativity in early childhood classrooms
A Wider Lens
creativity as a tool for learning
schooling and the development of creativity
Developmental Characteristics
How as Well as What Children Learn
Classroom Contexts
Social and Political Environment
conclusion: it depends
19 Conclusions
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