Modeling the Ionosphere Thermosphere 1st Edition by Huba, Schunk, Khazanov- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0875904912, 9780875904917
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ISBN 10: 0875904912
ISBN 13: 9780875904917
Author: J. D. Huba, R. W. Schunk, G. V. Khazanov
Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System brings together for the first time a detailed description of the physics of the IT system in conjunction with numerical techniques to solve the complex system of equations that describe the system, as well as issues of current interest. Volume highlights include discussions of:
Modeling the Ionosphere Thermosphere 1st Table of contents:
Section I: Physical Processes
Ionosphere-Thermosphere Physics
Physical Characteristics and Modeling of Earth’s Thermosphere
Solar Cycle Changes in the Photochemistry of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
Energetics and Composition in the Thermosphere
Section II: Numerical Methods
Numerical Methods in Modeling the Ionosphere
Ionospheric Electrodynamics Modeling
Section III: IT Models
The NCAR TIE-GCM: A Community Model of the Coupled Thermosphere/Ionosphere System
The Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model and Nonhydrostatic Processes
Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances and Gravity Wave Coupling in the Thermosphere
Air Force Low-Latitude Ionospheric Model for the C/NOFS Mission
Long-Term Simulations of the Ionosphere Using SAMI3
Section IV: Validation of IT Models
Comparative Studies of Theoretical Models in the Equatorial Ionosphere
Systematic Evaluation of Ionosphere/Thermosphere (IT) Models
Section V: IT Coupling: Above and Below
Aspects of Coupling Processes in the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
Use of NOGAPS-ALPHA as a Bottom Boundary for the NCAR/TIEGCM
WACCM-X Simulation of Tidal and Planetary Wave Variability
Inductive-Dynamic Coupling of the Ionosphere, Thermosphere, and Magnetosphere
Section VI: Equatorial Ionospheric Processes
Ionospheric Irregularities
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Equatorial Spread F
Density and Temperature Structure of Equatorial Spread F Plumes
Decadal Observations of the Low-Latitude Ionosphere and Thermosphere
Section VII: Data Assimilation
Upper Atmosphere Data Assimilation Using Ensemble Kalman Filter
Scientific Investigations Using IDA4D and EMPIRE
Section VIII: Applications
Customers and Requirements for Ionosphere Products and Services
Model-Based Inversion of Auroral Processes
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