Advances in Microbial Physiology (Volume 53) 1st Edition by Robert K. Poole – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0080560644, 9780080560649
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ISBN 10: 0080560644
Author: Robert K. Poole
Advances in Microbial Physiology (Volume 53) 1st Edition: Advances in Microbial Physiology is one of the most successful and prestigious series from Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier. It publishes topical and important reviews, interpreting physiology to include all material that contributes to our understanding of how microorganisms and their component parts work. First published in 1967, the editors have always striven to interpret microbial physiology in the broadest context and have never restricted the contents to “traditional” views of whole cell physiology. Now edited by Professor Robert Poole, University of Sheffield, Advances in Microbial Physiology continues to be an influential and very well reviewed series.
Advances in Microbial Physiology (Volume 53) 1st Edition Table of contents:
Chapter 1. The Bacterial Response to the Chalcogen Metalloids Se and Te
- Introduction
- Chemistry
- Biological Uses of Se and Te
- Resistance Toward Se and Te Oxyanions
- Microbial Processing of Metalloid Chalcogens
- Chalcogens and Bacterial Physiology
- Other Chalcogens and Metalloids
- Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- References
Chapter 2. Gaining Insight into Microbial Physiology in the Large Intestine: A Special Role for Stab
- Introduction
- The Gut Microbial Ecosystem
- Stable Isotopes
- Genomic Inventories of Intestinal Bacteria
- Proteomic Aspects of Intestinal Microbial Life
- Metabolomics
- Metabolic Flux Analysis Applied to the Gut
- Emerging Picture of the Role of Microorganisms Integrated in Man
- New Aspects in the Study of Intestinal Bacterial Physiology
- Conclusions and Future Prospects
- References
Chapter 3. Bacterial Physiology, Regulation and Mutational Adaptation in a Chemostat Environment
- General Introduction
- The Chemostat Environment and Its Applications to Studies of Bacteria
- The Physiological Changes in an Organism Inoculated into a Chemostat: The Example of Glucose-Limitation
- Variations in Responses Within and Between Species
- Steady State or Constant Change in a Chemostat Population?
- Mutation Rates and Mutators in Chemostat Populations
- Mutational Takeovers and Population Changes
- A Mutational Sweep in Detail: The Physiological Advantage and Spread of mgl Mutations in Glucose-Limitation
- Other Mutations in Chemostat Populations and Their Physiological Effects
- Emerging Diversity in Chemostat Populations
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
Chapter 4. Metallosensors, The Ups and Downs of Gene Regulation
- Introduction
- Iron
- Copper
- Zinc
- Cadmium
- Conclusions
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