After Cancún: Climate Governance or Climate Conflicts 1st Edition by Elmar Altvater, Achim Brunnengräber – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 353194018X, 9783531940182
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 353194018X
ISBN 13: 9783531940182
Author: Elmar Altvater, Achim Brunnengräber
After Cancún: Climate Governance or Climate Conflicts 1st Edition: The world is facing several serious challenges at the close of the fossil and nuclear energy regime: the limited resources of cheap conventional oil can only be surmounted by tapping unconventional oil reserves, e.g. deep sea oil. The explosion of the oil platform Deepwater Horizon in 2010 and the subsequent oil spill caused enormous damage, which even a year later cannot be fully estimated. Another even more important threat emanating from the fossil and nuclear energy regime has been brought to our attention by the Fukushima disaster. Last but not least, the problem of climate change caused by an increase in greenhouse gas emissions is looming, despite the fact that the international community has agreed on a considerable reduction of these emissions. Is this poor result of the Kyoto Protocol and the failure of successive climate conferences the consequence of a preference for the use of market-based instruments? The majority of climate scientists, economists, and politicians believe in the efficiency of “cap-and-trade” regulations. They even conceive them as a constituent ingredient of a “Green New Deal” or “Global Green Recovery”. The contributions in this volume provide a critical examination of the theoretical foundations, the political implications, and the empirical experiences of the application of market mechanisms and financial instruments to climate policy.
After Cancún: Climate Governance or Climate Conflicts 1st Edition Table of contents:
With the Market Against Climate Catastrophe – Can That Succeed?
- The Market: Your Friend and Helper?
- On the Contributions in this Volume
Climate Capitalism
- Capitalism and Climate Change
- New Sites of Accumulation: Emissions Trading and Offsets
- Emissions Trading
- Offsets
- Making Sense of the Carbon Economy
- Conclusion: Towards Climate Capitalism
Climate Politics as Investment
- Introduction
- New Emphasis on Investments
- Some Remarks on Theory and Methodology
- The Economics of Climate Change
- Reframing Climate Change as an Economic Problem
- Turning Climate Politics into an Economic Challenge
- The New Climate Finance Discourse
- Dominant Logics in the New Climate Finance Discourse
- Estimating the Costs of Climate Protection
- Priority Setting Along Cost Effectiveness
- Equity as Finance
- Public and Private Money in Climate Finance
- From Costs to Investment in Climate Politics
- The “Need for Private Investments” Narrative
- The “Investment Opportunity” Narrative
- Dominant Logics in the New Climate Finance Discourse
- Tracing the Investment Logic in Climate Politics
- Public Finance Mechanisms: Translating Climate Policy into Investment Terms
- REDD: Complexity, Concerns, and Great Expectations
- Investments in Climate Politics – Some Alternative Framings
Contradictions of the Commodity Carbon – On the Material and Symbolic Production of a Market
- Introduction
- The Material and Symbolic Production of Nature
- Valorisation and “Occidental Rationalism”
- Power and Private Ownership
- Exchange on Markets
- Nature as Robinsonade
- Qualitative Indistinguishability
- Own Times in Economics, Politics, and Nature
Economic Growth and Climate Change: Cap-and-Trade or Emission Tax?
- Introduction
- Growth and Climate Change: Empirical Facts
- Growth and Climate Change: Theory and Modeling
- The History of Regulating Economic Externalities: Pigou Versus Coase
- Cap-and-Trade or Carbon Taxes?
- European Efforts and Experiences: The High Volatility of the Carbon Price
- Conclusions
Greening the Economy in the European Union
- Introduction
- Determination on Paper
- Separate Energy Regimes
- The Control of Nature through New Technologies and New Markets
- Strategic Raw Materials Policy: Agrofuels
- Overcoming the Oil Age
The “Tragedy of the Atmosphere” or the Doubling of the Carbon Cycle and the Circulation of Capital
- Introduction
- The Fossil Energy Chain – A Carbon Cycle and a Valorisation Cycle
- The Tragedy of the Atmosphere
- Should the Pollution in the Atmosphere be Reduced by Means of Regulative Power or by “Market-based” Solutions?
- A Few Conclusions
A Brief History of Emission Trading Systems
- Introduction
- Emissions Trading Systems
- The Environmental Protection Agency’s Emission Trading Program under the Clean Air Act Program
- Lead Trading Program
- Trading in the Right to Produce and Consume Ozone-Depleting Substances under the Montreal Protocol
- NOx Trading Scheme under the NOx Ozone Transport Commission
- 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments: SO2 Allowances
- Carbon Emissions Systems: Corporate Initiatives
- The European Union’s Carbon Emissions Trading System
- Carbon Emissions Trading in the United States
Searching for Meaning: Intersubjective Dimensions in Environmental Policies
- Introduction
- Blockades in Natural Resources Management
- Analytical Dimensions of the Societal Relationship of Humankind to Nature
- Political Identity and Shared Meaningful Intersubjective Spaces
- Situated Meanings of Societal Symbolisations
- Precaution as a Core Value for Intersecting Spheres of Supply Services
On the Way to the Future – Renewable Energies
- Persistence of the Conventional Energy System
- Climate Change and Nuclear Power Plants
- Policy Targets of the European Union
- Support Instruments
- IRENA – An International Agency for Renewables
- Democracy by Decentralisation
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Elmar Altvater, Achim Brunnengräber,Cancún,Climate,Governance,Climate Conflicts