At the Brink of Infinity Poetic Humility in Boundless American Space 1st Edition by James Von Der Heydt – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1587296284, 9781587296284
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1587296284
ISBN 13: 9781587296284
Author: James E. von der Heydt
From popular culture to politics to classic novels, quintessentially American texts take their inspiration from the idea of infinity. In the extraordinary literary century inaugurated by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the lyric too seemed to encounter possibilities as limitless as the U.S. imagination. This raises the question: What happens when boundlessness is more than just a figure of speech? Exploring new horizons is one thing, but actually looking at the horizon itself is something altogether different. In this carefully crafted analysis, James von der Heydt shines a new light on the lyric craft of Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Elizabeth Bishop, and James Merrill and considers how their seascape-vision redefines poetry’s purpose.
Emerson famously freed U.S. literature from its past and opened it up to vastness; in the following century, a succession of brilliant, rigorous poets took the philosophical challenges of such freedom all too seriously. Facing the unmarked horizon, Emersonian poets capture—and are captured by—a stark, astringent version of human beauty. Their uncompromising visions of limitlessness reclaim infinity’s proper legacy—and give American poetry its edge. Von der Heydt’s book recovers the mystery of their world.
At the Brink of Infinity Poetic Humility in Boundless American Space 1st Table of contents:
1 The Beachcomber’s Horizon
2 An Everywhere of Silver
3 Privacies of Storm
4 Dickinson Outdoors
5 Frost and the Unmoving World
6 Bishop’s Weighted Eye
7 Merrill’s Expansiveness
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