Business Networks Strategy and Structure 1st Edition by Emanuela Todeva – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0415514150, 9780415514156
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ISBN 10: 0415514150
ISBN 13: 9780415514156
Author: Emanuela Todeva
Although social, political, technological and business networks hold our modern world together, we still lack a good understanding of what business networks are, how they work, and the language of network analysis that we may apply to solve common, everyday problems. This book looks at such questions as: How do we make sense of the business networks we participate in and the networks we observe from a distance? Are business networks distinct from social networks, and if so what distinguishes them? How can business network analysis from a multidisciplinary perspective enhance strategic management? Emanuela Todeva deftly explores the patterns of networking and the dynamics of network relationships, to show how we can begin to tap their full potential. Of great interest to students and scholars of business network analysis, this revealing volume will also prove informative for managers wishing to obtain insights into network dynamics and its implications for strategic decision making. Business Networks expertly provides an interdisciplinary overview. It skilfully engages the reader with a range of economic, sociological, strategic management and communication theories that contribute to our knowledge of networks and networking. Transcending specific disciplines, and synthesizing the contributions that shape the structural, relational and cultural approaches to network analysis, Todeva’s outstanding text offers a wealth of conceptual frameworks and an exhaustive typology of existing business networks.
Business Networks Strategy and Structure 1st Table of contents:
1 Introduction
2 Aspiring networks
Approaches to network analysis
The structural/positional approach
The relational approach
The cultural approach
Overview of network characteristics and concepts
Characteristics of the nodes
Characteristics of the relationships between network members
Characteristics of the entire network configuration
3 Acting in business networks
Nature and attributes of network actors
Motives and drivers for actors’ behaviour
Transaction cost economics: minimising costs and maximising benefits
Non-cooperative game theory: maximising pay-offs
Agency theory: bargaining and negotiating contracts
Contract theory: contracting resources and services, public goods and externalities
Evolutionary and institutional economics: mimicry and normative compliance, variation, selection, retention, inertia, survival, legitimation
The resource-based view of the firm: accumulation of heterogeneous resources
Knowledge-based approach: firms as acting bundles of knowledge
Managerial theory of the firm: forming coalitions, managerial choices, preferences, decision making and goal setting
Acquiring and maintaining power in business networks
Control and manipulation of the external and the internal environment
Cooperating with stakeholders
Entrepreneurship – initiation of new relationships, transactions and contacts
Self-coordination vs. coordination agency
Heterogeneity of actors
Non-human actors – texts and interpretations as intermediaries
Behaviour in business networks
4 Relationships in business networks
Relational analysis
The nature of the bond – relations, connections, interactions, exchanges
Emergence of relationships between human actors
Relational dimensions
Relational needs, incentives, preferences
Relational resources and capabilities
Relational behaviour and activities
Relational cognition
Relational affection
Relational identity
Relational role and status
Relational content – links and bonds
Relational framing
Relational value
Relational context/atmosphere
Relational dynamics and evolution
Types of business relationships
5 Business network structures
Types of structural configurations
Ego networks vs. distributed networks
Project networks vs. supply networks
Organising principles
Network boundaries and organisational boundaries
Structural measures for analysis of business networks
Network centrality and centralisation
Density, symmetry, reachability and range
Cohesion and sub-groups
Network position and structural equivalence
Structural autonomy and individual attributes
Structural holes, brokerage and weak ties
Diffusion and contagion
6 Types of business networks
Entrepreneurial small business networks
Family business networks
Chinese family and community business networks: guanxi, hegu, hui, bangs and clans, kongsi
Bangs and clans
Kongsi and the Chinese overseas business networks
Japanese corporate business networks: zaibatsu/keiretsu
Japanese trading business networks: sogo shosha
Korean circular shareholding networks: chaebol
Value chain supply networks: global sourcing and global commodity chains
Global sourcing – outsourcing and subcontracting within the value chain
Global commodity chains
International corporate networks: multinational corporations (MNCs), strategic alliances, interdependent corporate relationships
Subsidiaries and corporate affiliates
Strategic alliances and interdependent business partnerships
Research and development (R&D) alliance networks and project networks
Network-based businesses: utilities, public services, infrastructure networks
Communication-based business networks: internet
Spatial clusters, industry clusters and cluster–network relationships
7 Conclusions
Future research directions
Appendix Concepts and indicators for empirical investigation of business networks
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