Community Ecology 2nd Edition by Peter Morin – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1118299078, 9781118299074
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ISBN 10: 1118299078
ISBN 13: 9781118299074
Author: Peter J. Morin
A thoroughly updated edition of Peter Morins highly successful Community Ecology, this text incorporates new materials that reflect the recent advances in the dynamic field of community ecology.
Community Ecology 2nd Table of contents:
Part 1: Communities: Basic Patterns and Elementary Processes
1: Communities
1.1 Overview
1.2 Communities
1.3 Communities and their members
1.4 Community properties
1.5 Interspecific interactions
1.6 Community patterns as the inspiration for theory: alternate hypotheses and their critical evalua
1.7 Community patterns are a consequence of a hierarchy of interacting processes
1.8 Conclusions
2: Competition: Mechanisms, Models, and Niches
2.1 Overview
2.2 Interspecific competition
2.3 Mechanisms of interspecific competition
2.4 Descriptive models of competition
2.5 Mechanistic models of competition
2.6 Neighborhood models of competition among plants
2.7 Competition, niches, and resource partitioning
2.8 The many meanings of the niche
2.9 Other ways of thinking about the niche
2.10 Guild structure in niche space
2.11 Conclusions
3: Competition: Experiments, Observations, and Null Models
3.1 Overview
3.2 Experimental approaches to interspecific competition
3.3 Experimental studies of interspecific competition
3.4 Competition in marine communities
3.5 Competition in terrestrial communities
3.6 Competition in freshwater communities
3.7 An overview of patterns found in surveys of published experiments on interspecific competition
3.8 Null models and statistical/observational approaches to the study of interspecific competition
3.9 Conclusions
4: Predation and Communities: Empirical Patterns
4.1 Overview
4.2 Predation
4.3 Examples from biological control
4.4 Impacts of predators on different kinds of communities
4.5 Examples of predation in marine communities
4.6 Examples of predation in terrestrial communities
4.7 Examples of predation in freshwater communities
4.8 Inducible defenses
4.9 When is predation likely to regulate prey population size and community structure?
4.10 Overviews of general patterns based on reviews of experimental studies of predation
4.11 Trade-offs between competitive ability and resistance to predation
4.12 Conclusions
5: Models of Predation in Simple Communities
5.1 Overview
5.2 Simple predator–prey models
5.3 Models of predation on more than one prey
5.4 Models of intraguild predation
5.5 Models of infectious disease
5.6 Conclusions
6: Food Webs
6.1 Overview
6.2 Food-web attributes
6.3 Patterns in collections of food webs
6.4 Explanations for food-web patterns
6.5 Other approaches to modeling food-web patterns
6.6 Experimental tests of food-web theory
6.7 Omnivory, increasing trophic complexity, and stability
6.8 Interaction strength
6.9 Some final qualifications about empirical patterns
6.10 Conclusions
7: Mutualisms
7.1 Overview
7.2 Kinds of mutualisms
7.3 Direct and indirect mutualisms
7.4 Simple models of mutualistic interactions
7.5 Examples of obligate mutualisms
7.6 Energetic and nutritional mutualisms
7.7 Examples of facultative mutualisms and commensalisms
7.8 Theories about the conditions leading to positive interactions among species
7.9 Integrating positive interactions into ecological networks
7.10 Conclusions: Consequences of mutualism and commensalism for community development
8: Indirect Effects
8.1 Overview
8.2 Types of indirect effects
8.3 Apparent competition
8.4 Indirect mutualism and indirect commensalism
8.5 Trophic cascades, tri-trophic interactions, and bottom-up effects
8.6 Interaction modifications: Higher-order interactions, non-additive effects, and trait-mediated i
8.7 Indirect effects can complicate the interpretation of manipulative community studies
8.8 Conclusions: Factors contributing to the importance of indirect effects
Part 2: Factors Influencing Interactions Among Species
9: Temporal Patterns: Seasonal Dynamics, Priority Effects, and Assembly Rules
9.1 Overview
9.2 The importance of history
9.3 Interactions among temporally segregated species
9.4 Consequences of phenological variation: case studies of priority effects
9.5 Assembly rules
9.6 Examples of assembly rules derived from theory
9.7 Conclusions
10: Habitat Selection
10.1 Overview
10.2 Features of habitat selection
10.3 Correlations between organisms and habitat characteristics
10.4 Cues and consequences
10.5 A graphical theory of habitat selection
10.6 Conclusions
11: Spatial Dynamics
11.1 Overview
11.2 Spatial dynamics in open systems
11.3 Metapopulations and metacommunities
11.4 Interspecific interactions in patchy, subdivided habitats
11.5 Competition in spatially complex habitats
11.6 Predator–prey interactions in spatially complex habitats
11.7 Habitat fragmentation and dispersal corridors affect diversity and movement among patches
11.8 Recruitment-limited interactions – “supply-side ecology”
11.9 Large-scale spatial patterns: island biogeography and macroecology
11.10 Conclusions
Part 3: Large-Scale, Integrative Community Phenomena
12: Causes and Consequences of Diversity
12.1 Overview
12.2 Equilibrium and non-equilibrium communities
12.3 Experimental studies of community stability and alternate stable states
12.4 Examples of stable community patterns
12.5 Equilibrium explanations for diversity
12.6 Situations where diversity may result from non-equilibrium dynamics
12.7 Stability and complexity
12.8 Productivity–diversity curves
12.9 Effects of diversity on the variability of processes
12.10 Effects of diversity on invasibility
12.11 Conclusions
13: Succession
13.1 Overview
13.2 Succession
13.3 A brief history of succession
13.4 Quantitative models of ecological succession
13.5 Case studies of succession in different kinds of habitats
13.6 Effects of plant succession on animal assemblages
13.7 Succession in microbial assemblages
13.8 Conclusions
14: Applied Community Ecology
14.1 Overview
14.2 Anthropogenic changes and applied community ecology
14.3 Epidemiology of animal borne diseases
14.4 Restoration of community composition and function
14.5 Biological control of invasive species
14.6 Biomanipulation of water quality
14.7 Management of multispecies fisheries
14.8 Optimal design of nature preserves
14.9 Predicting and managing responses to global environmental change
14.10 Maximization of yield in mixed species agricultural and biofuel systems
14.11 Assembly of viable communities in novel environments
Appendix: Stability Analysis
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