Computer Synthesized Speech Technologies Tools for Aiding Impairment 1st Edition by John Mullennix ,Steven Stern- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1615207260, 9781615207268
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1615207260
ISBN 13: 9781615207268
Author: John Mullennix,Steven Stern
While the use of technology to compensate for individual shortcomings is nothing new, there has been tremendous progress in the application of technology toward assisting individuals with disabilities, particularly with the use of computer synthesized speech (CSS) to help speech impaired people communicate using voice. Computer Synthesized Speech Technologies: Tools for Aiding Impairment provides information to current and future practitioners that will allow them to better assist speech disabled individuals who wish to utilize CSS technology. Just as important as the practitioner’s knowledge of the latest advances in speech technology, so, too, is the practitioner’s understanding of how specific client needs affect the use of CSS, how cognitive factors related to comprehension of CSS affect its use, and how social factors related to perceptions of the CSS user affect their interaction with others. This cutting edge book addresses those topics pertinent to understanding the myriad of concerns involved with the implementation of CSS so that CSS technologies may continue to evolve and improve for speech impaired individuals.
Computer Synthesized Speech Technologies Tools for Aiding Impairment 1st Table of contents:
- Acknowledgment
- Overview:Important Issues for Researchersand Practitioners Using ComputerSynthesized Speech as an As
- From Wood to Bitsto Silicon Chips:A History of Developments inComputer Synthesized Speech
- Digital Speech Technology:An Overview
- Humanizing Vox Artificialis:The Role of Speech Synthesis inAugmentative and AlternativeCommunication
- Advances in Computer SpeechSynthesis and Implicationsfor Assistive Technology
- Building PersonalizedSynthetic Voices forIndividuals with DysarthriaUsing the HTS Toolkit
- Speech Technologies forAugmented Communication
- CSS and Children:Research Results and Future Directions
- Systematic Review of SpeechGenerating Devices for Aphasia
- Are Speech-Generating DevicesViable AAC Options for Adultswith Intellectual Disabilities?
- Synthetic Speech Perception inIndividuals with Intellectual andCommunicative Disabilities
- The Use of Synthetic Speechin Language Learning Tools:Review and a Case Study
- Attitudes toward ComputerSynthesized Speech
- Stereotypes of Peoplewith Physical Disabilitiesand Speech Impairmentsas Detected by PartiallyStructu
- A Tale of Transitions:The Challenges of Integrating SpeechSynthesis in Aided Communication
- Tossed in the Deep End:Now What?!
- Compilation of References
- About the Contributors
- Index
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John Mullennix,Computer Synthesized,Speech Technologies Tools