Determinants of Private Label Attitude Predicting Consumers Brand Preferences Using Psychographics 1st Edition by Stefanie Weiß – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 3658086718, 9783658086718
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ISBN 10: 3658086718
ISBN 13: 9783658086718
Author: Stefanie Weiß
Various psychographic traits that most directly influence consumers’ private label attitudes are the focal point of Stefanie Weiss’ investigation. The author develops a comprehensive profile of psychographic predictors of attitude and identifies ways of translating these insights into managerial practice. Her conclusions thereby strongly contribute to understanding and describing purchasers of private labels and can be meaningfully applied to the management areas of brand positioning and market segmentation. The hypothesized relationships between consumers’ private label attitude and various psychographic traits are tested on a sample of German and Austrian consumers using an online questionnaire. Their response data are then analyzed using the multiple regression technique.
Determinants of Private Label Attitude Predicting Consumers Brand Preferences Using Psychographics 1st Table of contents:
1 Introduction
1.1 Background situation
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Research questions
1.4 Research objectives
1.5 Practical relevance and application
1.6 Scope and limitations
1.7 Thesis outline
2 Literature analysis
2.1 Theoretical preamble
2.1.1 Definition of terms
2.1.2 Underlying theories
2.1.3 Fundamental assumptions
2.1.4 Attitudes as predictors of intention
2.2 A critical assessment of the history of PLB research
2.2.1 Identifying relevant literature
2.2.2 The consumer-focused perspective
2.2.3 Past and current academic approaches
2.2.4 Shortcomings of previous research
2.3 Demographics and their limitations
2.3.1 Income
2.3.2 Education
2.3.3 Gender
2.3.4 Household size
2.3.5 Lack of consistent results
2.4 The predictive power of psychographics
2.4.1 Price and value consciousness
2.4.2 Extrinsic and intrinsic cue reliance
2.4.3 Smart-shopper self-perception
2.4.4 Risk perceptions
2.5 Chapter summary
3 Methodology
3.1 Conceptual framework
3.1.1 Research and null hypotheses
3.1.2 Dependent, independent, and control variables
3.1.3 Summarized model framework
3.1.4 Conceptual and operational definition of constructs
3.2 Selecting a statistical technique
3.2.1 Multiple regression as method of choice
3.2.2 Evaluation of alternative statistical tools
3.3 Sampling
3.3.1 Defining the population
3.3.2 Sample size
3.3.3 Sampling procedure
3.4 Questionnaire design
3.4.1 Structure and content of the questionnaire
3.4.2 Measures to increase response accuracy
3.5 Pre-test
3.5.1 Goals and procedures
3.5.2 Reliability analysis of construct items
3.6 Sources of validity of reliability
3.7 Chapter summary
4 Data analysis and results
4.1 Respondent profile
4.2 Results of the multiple regression analysis
4.2.1 SPSS settings
4.2.2 Basic descriptive
4.2.3 Assessing model fit
4.2.4 Specifying model parameters
4.2.5 Multicollinearity
4.3 Eliminating bias
4.3.1 Outliers
4.3.2 Violations of assumptions
4.4 Checking for moderator variables
4.5 Chapter summary
5 Discussion
5.1 Antecedents related to price and quality
5.2 Antecedents related to extrinsic and intrinsic cue reliance
5.3 Antecedents related to consumers’ self-perception
5.4 Antecedents related to risk perceptions
5.5 Demographic variables
5.6 Control variables
5.7 Managerial implications
5.7.1 Implications for retailers
5.7.2 Implications for manufacturers
5.8 Limitations and suggestions for future research
5.9 Summary and conclusion
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