Doing a Successful Research Project Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods 2nd Edition by Martin Brett Davies, Nathan Hughes – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1137306505, 9781137306500
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1137306505
ISBN 13: 9781137306500
Author: Martin Brett Davies; Nathan Hughes
This straightforward, student-friendly guide contains all the practical advice for successfully undertaking a research project, leading students through all the stages of the research process. The second edition of this no-nonsense textbook supports students in conducting their own research projects, whatever discipline they are from. Describing processes, tools and strategies in a simple, succinct way, it supports the reader carefully through the planning and design stages, to implementation, analysis and completion. Doing a Successful Research Project is suitable for an interdisciplinary audience all over the world. It is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking a research project or dissertation across the social sciences, applied social sciences, education, health and business studies. It can also be used as essential or complimentary reading on modules on qualitative and quantitative research and research design.< New to this Edition: – Enhanced coverage of essential topics, including research ethics, the literature review and online methodologies – Increased coverage on quantitative methods – New up-to-date examples of real-life research studies – Broadened scope to encourage appeal to a wide range of academic disciplines
Doing a Successful Research Project Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods 2nd Table of contents:
Part 1: Planning your Research Project
1. So You’re Going to do a Research Project
The dominance of research findings in our lives
Becoming a researcher
The basic rules
Qualitative and quantitative research methods
Are you ready to be a good project manager?
Are you on message?
The nature of research
2. Let’s Make a Start
Choosing a topic and turning it into a question
Selecting your methodology
Fourteen ways of ‘doing research’
3. Preparing for a Successful Research Project
Clarify your own ideas
Make time for an exploratory stage
Find out how people will react to your method
Do a literature review
Consider issues of ethics and access
Prepare a final draft of your research instrument
Carry out a pilot study
Put it all together in a timed road map
Part 2: Quantitative Research
4. The Principles of Sampling
Types of sample
Probability samples
Non-probability samples
Representativeness and bias
When you come to write your report …
5. Carrying out your Survey
Twenty quality questions for carrying out a successful survey
An exercise
6. Questionnaires
Questionnaires are driven by the researcher’s own agenda
The researcher has a professional obligation to maintain high standards
A note on surveying online
7. The art and Science of Survey Interviewing
The initial encounter
Interviews should give respondents freedom to use their own words
The principles of good practice
The design of interview schedules
Examples drawn from six classes of interview data
Preparing your interview schedule
Some useful terms explained
8. Analysing your Survey Data
Step 1: Think design, think analysis
Step 2: Living with your data
Step 3: Data entry using SPSS
Step 4: Don’t despise your frequency distributions
Step 5: Consider your options for further analysis
Step 6: Cross-tabulations
Step 7: Third variable analysis
Step 8: Comparing numerical values: measures of central tendency
Step 9: Comparing numerical values: correlations and rank order
Step 10: Probability
Step 11: Dealing with open-ended questions
Step 12: Drawing your analysis to a close
9. Testing for Statistical Significance: Into More Complex Territory
Eight useful ways of testing for statistical significance
Testing for significance in cross-tabs
Comparing differences between means
Comparing pairs of scores in matched samples
Testing for significance in correlations
10. A Quantitative Researcher’s Briefing Sheet
A concise glossary for quantitative researchers
Part 3: Qualitative Research
11. Studying a Small Sample
Why study a small sample?
Identifying your research question
Qualitative research is dynamic and interactive
Strategic sampling
Gathering your core sample
Factors to take into account in gathering your sample
The strategic approach to research planning
12. Qualitative Research Interviewing
How will you present yourself?
Having a base
Unstructured or semi-structured interviewing with a small sample
The impact of the research interviewer
What kinds of questions are suitable for use with a small sample?
Recording your interview
Interviewing online
Some of the ideas on offer
13. There is More to Qualitative Research than Interviewing
Ethnography and the anthropological tradition
Participant observation
Insider research
Non-participant observation
Focus groups
Content analysis
Case studies
N = 1 explorations
14. Analysing Qualitative Data
Content analysis of the answers to open-ended questions
Interpretive content analysis of complete interviews
Focus groups
Case studies
Triangulation and multiple (or mixed) methods
NUD*IST, NVivo and computer analyses
15. A Qualitative Researcher’s Briefing Sheet
The language of qualitative research
A concise glossary for qualitative researchers
A cautionary view
Part 4: The Last Lap
16. Writing your Report
How to produce a successful report
Presenting your findings in a quantitative research study
Presenting your findings in a qualitative research study
Postscript: Over to you
Name Index
Subject Index
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Martin Brett Davies, Nathan Hughes,Successful Research