Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current and Emerging Issues 1st Edition by Andrew McKay, Erik Thorbecke – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0191044121, 9780191044120
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0191044121
ISBN 13: 9780191044120
Author: Andrew McKay, Erik Thorbecke
Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current and Emerging Issues 1st Edition: After many years of disappointing performance, Sub-Saharan Africa has shown impressive growth performance since the start of the millenium. However, the impact of this on poverty reduction is still not well understood and this led the African Economics Research Consortium in Nairobi to undertake a major collaborative research project on the linkages between growth and poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa. This volume is based on research undertaken by world leading researchers on major issues influencing the extent to which growth can translate into poverty reduction. The volume includes two review chapters on the impact of growth on poverty reduction, and on the impact of widespread poverty on economic growth, and argues that both relationships are important for understanding how growth and poverty reduction interact. The volume focuses, in detail, on the role of agriculture, the labour market, the informal sector, the industrial sector, the global context, and macroeconomic issues.
All chapters comprise an extensive review of the existing literature and highlight new and important directions. As more information on the evolution of poverty and living conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa emerge, this volume is important in helping to interpret and explain that evidence.
Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current and Emerging Issues 1st Edition Table of contents:
1. Introduction
- Sub-Saharan Africa in a Global Context
- Recent Evidence on Growth and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa
- The AERC Project
- Introducing the Volume
- References
2. The Anatomy of Growth and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Introduction
- Interrelationship among Growth, Inequality, and Poverty
- Critical Review of Existing Development Typologies in Sub-Saharan Africa
- The AERC growth project typology
- The World Development 2008 typology
- The IFPRI typology
- Towards a Proposed Growth-Inequality-Poverty Typology in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Data problems with poverty and inequality estimates
- A proposed growth-inequality-poverty typology for Sub-Saharan Africa
- Failed states
- South African region
- Coastal, resource-scarce countries with more favourable agricultural potential
- Landlocked, resource-scarce countries with more favourable agricultural potential
- Resource-rich countries with more favourable agricultural potential
- Countries with less favourable agricultural potential
- Conclusions
- References
3. Is Poverty a Binding Constraint on Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa?
- Introduction
- Development Traps: Framing the Issues
- A growth-theory perspective
- Development traps
- Productivity and accumulation
- Poverty in the binding constraints approach
- Empirical work on economy-wide development traps
- Microeconomic Poverty Traps
- Microeconomic trap mechanisms
- Complete and competitive markets
- Regressive market imperfections
- Politically generated distortions
- Further mechanisms
- Microeconomic trap mechanisms
- Microeconomic Poverty Traps: Evidence
- Poverty and inequality in Africa
- Correlates of poverty in Africa
- Spatial development traps
- Correlates of chronic and temporary poverty
- Imperfect markets and subsistence traps
- Gender- and power-based traps
- Mobility and time dependency
- Asset traps
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgement
- References
4. Agriculture as an Engine of Growth and Poverty Reduction: Lessons for Africa
- Introduction
- Why Focus on Agriculture?
- The Structural Transformation: Theory and Evidence
- The structural transformation and agriculture’s role
- Empirical studies of the structural transformation and agriculture’s role
- The Persistence of Semi-Subsistence Agriculture and the Agricultural Transformation in Africa
- Low agricultural productivity
- Input price distortions
- Transportation and market access
- Agricultural Development Strategies: Some Specific Questions
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- References
5. Growth, Employment Creation, and Poverty Reduction: An Overview, Evidence, and Applications
- Introduction
- Economic Growth, Poverty, and Inequality: A Summary
- Employment Creation and Economic Growth
- The output-employment relationship
- The labour intensity of growth: A sectoral approach
- Pro-Poor Growth and Labour Market Income
- Labour market income, inequality, and growth
- The Labour Market and Pro-Poor Growth: Additional Considerations
- Labour regulation and pro-poor growth
- Human capital revisited
- The centrality of the informal economy
- An application to African economies: An addendum
- Conclusion
- Appendix
- References
6. The Informal Economy, Economic Growth, and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Introduction
- Defining the Informal Economy: Some Conceptual Issues
- Measuring the size of the informal economy
- Informality and Institutions in Economic Development
- The Informal Economy and Economic Growth
- Trends in economic growth and informality
- Which kind of economic growth?
- Contribution of the informal economy to economic growth
- Attitudes towards the informal economy
- The Informal Economy, Poverty, and Inequality
- Poverty and inequality
- Poverty and informality
- Is Formalizing the Informal Economy a Precursor to Faster Growth?
- Cost of Formalization
- Opportunity costs
- High entry costs
- Inadequate access to financial services
- Strategic Options for Engaging the Informal Economy
- Policy options
- Private sector development
- Promotion of informal-formal economy linkages
- The provision of safety nets
- Measurement problems
- Conclusion
- References
7. Spatial Inequality and Its Implications for Growth-Poverty-Reduction Relations
- Introduction
- Theoretical Perspectives: Analyzing Factors Driving Spatially Unequal Growth
- Issues, Evidence, and Policy Related to Concentration of Economic Activity and Population
- Spatial Inequality and Its Measurement
- Evidence on Spatial Disparities and Economic Development
- Ethnic Diversity and Inequality
- Conclusion: Challenges in Promoting More Balanced Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Appendix: Model of New Economic Geography
- Model by Fujita, Krugman, and Venables (1999), summarized by Neary (2001)
- References
8. Linking Economic Growth to Poverty Reduction under Globalization
- Introduction
- The Transmission Mechanisms in the Globalization-Growth-Poverty Nexus
- Income Divergence and Progress in Poverty Reduction in Developing Regions
- Institutional Environments and Integration Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Domestic institutional environments and public-private interface in the early decades of the post-colonial era
- Public-private interface under the IFI-sponsored economic reform
- New opportunities and challenges in the twenty-first century
- Concluding Remarks: Policy Implications from a Comparative Perspective
- References
9. Real Exchange Rate Undervaluation and Poverty
- Introduction
- Data
- Results on RER Undervaluation and Poverty
- Robustness Checks
- A Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa
- What are the likely channels of the RER impact on poverty?
- How to engineer an RER undervaluation?
- Conclusions
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Andrew McKay,Erik Thorbecke,Economic Growth,Poverty Reduction,Sub Saharan,Africa,Current,Emerging Issues