Enjoying what we dont have the political project of psychoanalysis 1st Edition by Todd McGowan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0803245114, 9780803245112
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ISBN 10: 0803245114
ISBN 13: 9780803245112
Author: Todd McGowan
Although there have been many attempts to apply the ideas of psychoanalysis to political thought, this book is the first to identify the political project inherent in the fundamental tenets of psychoanalysis. And this political project, Todd McGowan contends, provides an avenue for emancipatory politics after the failure of Marxism in the twentieth century. Where others seeking the political import of psychoanalysis have looked to Freud’s early work on sexuality, McGowan focuses on Freud’s discovery of the death drive and Jacques Lacan’s elaboration of this concept. He argues that the self-destruction occurring as a result of the death drive is the foundational act of emancipation around which we should construct our political philosophy. Psychoanalysis offers the possibility for thinking about emancipation not as an act of overcoming loss but as the embrace of loss. It is only through the embrace of loss, McGowan suggests, that we find the path to enjoyment, and enjoyment is the determinative factor in all political struggles—and only in a political project that embraces the centrality of loss will we find a viable alternative to global capitalism.
Enjoying what we dont have the political project of psychoanalysis 1st Table of contents:
Part I: Subjectivity
1. The Formation of Subjectivit
2. The Economics of the Drive
3. Class Status and Enjoyment
4. Sustaining Anxiety
5. Changing the World
Part II: Society
6. The Appeal of Sacrifice
7. Against Knowledge
8. The Politics of Fantasy
9. Beyond Bare Life
10. The Necessity of Belief
11. Th e Case of the Missing Signifier
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