Fascist Modernities Italy 1922 1945 1st Edition by Ruth Ben Ghiat – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0520223632, 978-0520223639
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0520223632
ISBN 13: 978-0520223639
Author: Ruth Ben Ghiat
Ruth Ben-Ghiat’s innovative cultural history of Mussolini’s dictatorship is a provocative discussion of the meanings of modernity in interwar Italy. Eloquent, pathbreaking, and deft in its use of a broad range of materials, this work argues that fascism appealed to many Italian intellectuals as a new model of modernity that would resolve the contemporary European crisis as well as long-standing problems of the national past. Ben-Ghiat shows that―at a time of fears over the erosion of national and social identities―Mussolini presented fascism as a movement that would allow economic development without harm to social boundaries and national traditions. She demonstrates that although the regime largely failed in its attempts to remake Italians as paragons of a distinctly fascist model of mass society, twenty years of fascism did alter the landscape of Italian cultural life. Among younger intellectuals in particular, the dictatorship left a legacy of practices and attitudes that often continued under different political rubrics after 1945.
Fascist Modernities Italy 1922 1945 1st Table of contents:
Introduction: Fascist Modernities
- Overview of Fascist Regimes and Modernity
- Fascism’s Cultural and Political Reforms in Italy
- Methodological Approach and Scope of the Book
Chapter 1: Fascism and the Modernist Revolution
- The Fascist Approach to Modernity
- Intellectual and Artistic Movements in Early Fascism
- The Relationship Between Fascist Ideology and Cultural Change
Chapter 2: Architecture and the Creation of Fascist Space
- Fascist Architecture as a Symbol of Power
- Urban Planning and New Forms of Public Space
- The Rationalization of the Built Environment under Fascism
- Case Studies: The New Towns of Fascist Italy
Chapter 3: Art and Culture in the Fascist Era
- Fascist Appropriation of Modern Art Forms
- The Fascist Ministry of Culture and the Promotion of Italian Identity
- The Role of Cinema, Music, and Literature in Fascist Propaganda
- The Cultural Elite’s Relationship with the State
Chapter 4: Technology and Modernity in Fascist Italy
- Industrialization and the Role of Technology in Fascist Ideology
- The Development of the Automobile and Aviation Industries
- Fascist Modernity and Technological Innovation: The Case of Mussolini’s Motorways
Chapter 5: The Fascist Vision of the Body and the Self
- The Fascist Body as a Symbol of Strength and Discipline
- Youth and Education: Shaping the Fascist Generation
- Gender, Sexuality, and the Ideal Fascist Citizen
Chapter 6: Mass Media and the Control of Public Perception
- Fascist Propaganda and the Creation of the Fascist Mass Audience
- The Role of Radio, Film, and Newsreels in Shaping Fascist Ideology
- Mussolini and the Cult of Personality
Chapter 7: Race, Empire, and Modernity in Fascist Italy
- Fascist Racial Ideology and Its Connection to Modernity
- Colonialism and the Fascist Imperial Project
- The Fascist View of Race and the Construction of the “New Italian”
Chapter 8: Fascist Modernity and the Crisis of Modernism
- The Decline of Fascist Modernism during World War II
- The Impact of the War on the Fascist Vision of the Future
- Post-War Reactions and the Legacy of Fascist Modernity
Conclusion: Fascist Modernities and Their Legacy
- The Enduring Influence of Fascist Modernities on Italian Culture and Architecture
- Fascism’s Relationship with Modernity Post-1945
- The Fascist Legacy in Contemporary Debates on Modernity
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