Introduction to Experimental Infrared Spectroscopy Fundamentals and Practical Methods 1st Edition by Mitsuo TasumiI – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 047066567X 978-0470665671
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ISBN 10: 047066567X
ISBN 13: 978-0470665671
Author: Mitsuo TasumiI
Infrared spectroscopy is generally understood to mean the science of spectra relating to infrared radiation, namely electromagnetic waves, in the wavelength region occurring intermediately between visible light and microwaves. Measurements of infrared spectra have been providing useful information, for a variety of scientific research and industrial studies, for over half a century; this is set to continue in the foreseeable future.
Introduction to Experimental Infrared Spectroscopy is intended to be a handy guide for those who have no, or limited, experience in infrared spectroscopic measurements but are utilising infrared-related methods for their research or in practical applications.
Written by leading researchers and experienced practitioners, this work consists of 22 chapters and presents the basic theory, methodology and practical measurement methods, including ATR, photoacoustic, IR imaging, NIR, 2D-COS, and VCD. The six Appendices will aid readers in understanding the concepts presented in the main text.
Written in an easy-to-understand way this book is suitable for students, researchers and technicians workin
Introduction to Experimental Infrared Spectroscopy Fundamentals and Practical Methods 1st Table of contents:
Part I: Fundamentals of Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements
Chapter 1: Introduction to Infrared Spectroscopy
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Fundamentals of Infrared Spectroscopy
1.3 Origin of Infrared Absorption
1.4 Normal Vibrations and Their Symmetry
1.5 Group Vibrations and Characteristic Absorption Bands
1.6 Brief History of Infrared Spectroscopy
Chapter 2: Sample Handling and Related Matters in Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Points to Note in the Laboratory
2.3 Mid-Infrared-Transparent Materials
2.4 Measurements of Infrared Spectra from Samples in the Gaseous, Liquid, and Solid States
2.5 Measurements of Infrared Spectra at Various Conditions
Chapter 3: Quantitative Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Characteristics of an FT-IR Spectrometer
3.3 Transmittance Spectrum and Absorbance Spectrum
3.4 Fundamentals of Quantitative Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis
3.5 Working Curve for Quantitative Analysis
3.6 Factors Causing Deviations from Lambert–Beer’s Law
3.7 Other Remarks
Chapter 4: Principles of FT-IR Spectrometry
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Interference of Light
4.3 Principles of FT-IR Spectrometry
4.4 Characteristics of FT-IR Spectrometry
Further Reading
Chapter 5: Hardware and Software in FT-IR Spectrometry
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Hardware and Software of an FT-IR Spectrometer
Further Reading
Chapter 6: Computer Processing of Measured Infrared Spectra
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Computer Processing of Measured Spectra
Further Reading
Chapter 7: Chemometrics in Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Role of the Molar Absorption Coefficient
7.3 Re-Expression of a Spectrum in Multivariate Space
7.4 Beer’s Law for a Multicomponent System: CLS (Classical Least Squares) Regression
7.5 Experimental Design
7.6 ILS Regression Using the Inverse Beer’s Law
7.7 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
7.8 Principal Component Regression (PCR)
7.9 Partial Least Squares (PLS) Regression
Part II: Practical Methods of Measurements
Chapter 8: Reflection Measurements at Normal Incidence
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Measurements of Reflection at Normal Incidence
8.3 Analysis of Specular-Reflection Spectra
Chapter 9: External-Reflection Spectrometry for Thin Films and Surfaces
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Characteristics of ER Spectrometry in Comparison with Transmission Measurement
9.3 Infrared ER Spectra and the Definition of Reflection–Absorbance
9.4 Reflectance on a Dielectric Material and Infrared ER Spectra
9.5 Surface Selection Rule of the Infrared ER Spectrometry
9.6 Molecular Orientation Analysis Using Infrared ER Spectra
Chapter 10: Reflection–Absorption Spectroscopy of Thin Layers on Metal Surfaces
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Reflection–Absorption Spectroscopy
Chapter 11: Polarization-Modulation Spectrometry and its Application to Reflection–Absorption Measurements
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Principles of Double-Modulation Spectrometry
11.3 Polarization-Modulation Spectrometry
11.4 Measurement of the Reflection–Absorption Spectra of Thin Films on Metal Surfaces by Polarization-Modulation Spectrometry
11.5 Application to a Reflection–Absorption Measurement
Chapter 12: Diffuse-Reflection Measurements
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Diffuse-Reflection Measurements
Chapter 13: Attenuated Total Reflection Measurements
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Methods of ATR Measurements
Chapter 14: Photoacoustic Spectrometry Measurements
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Photoacoustic Spectrometry
Chapter 15: Emission Spectroscopic Measurements
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Infrared Emission Measurements
15.3 Examples of Emission Spectra and Techniques and Procedures Used in Emission Measurements
Chapter 16: Infrared Microspectroscopic Measurements
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Mid-Infrared Microspectroscopic Measurements
16.3 Application Examples
16.4 Mapping Analysis
16.5 Depth-Profile Analysis by the Method of Gradient Shaving
Chapter 17: Infrared Microspectroscopic Imaging
17.1 Introduction
17.2 FT-IR Imaging Systems
17.3 Field of View and Spatial Resolution
17.4 Methods of Measurement and Data Processing
17.5 Application Example of Microspectroscopic Imaging
Further Reading
Chapter 18: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
18.3 Near-Infrared Spectrometer
18.4 Optical Elements in the Near-Infrared Region
18.5 Measurements Using NIR Spectroscopy
18.6 Issues Still to be Solved in NIR Spectral Analysis
18.7 Some Examples of Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Analyses
Chapter 19: Far-Infrared Spectroscopy and Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy
19.1 Introduction
19.2 FT-IR Spectrometry in the Far-Infrared Region
19.3 Terahertz Time-Domain Spectrometry
Chapter 20: Time-Resolved Infrared Absorption Measurements
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Millisecond Time-Resolved Infrared Absorption Measurements
20.3 Microsecond to Nanosecond Time-Resolved Infrared Absorption Measurements
20.4 Picosecond to Femtosecond Time-Resolved Infrared Absorption Measurements
20.5 Points to Note Common to Time-Resolved Measurements
Chapter 21: Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy
21.1 Introduction
21.2 2D Correlation Spectra
21.3 Illustrative Application Examples
21.4 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 22: Vibrational Circular Dichroism
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Theoretical Explanation of VCD
22.3 Instrumentation for VCD Measurement
22.4 Theoretical Prediction of VCD Spectra
22.5 Models for Understanding VCD Activity
Part III: Appendices
Appendix A: The Speed, Frequency, Wavelength, and Wavenumber of an Electromagnetic Wave
Appendix B: Formulae Expressing the Electric Field of an Electromagnetic Wave and Related Subjects
B.1 Formulae Expressing a Propagating Electromagnetic Wave
B.2 Linearly and Circularly Polarized Radiations
Appendix C: Coherence of the Thermal Radiation
Appendix D: Mathematical Methods in FT-IR Spectrometry
D.1 The Fourier Transform
D.2 Convolution and the Convolution Theorem
D.3 Functions Used in FT-IR Spectrometry and their Fourier Transforms
D.4 Additional Explanations for a Few Descriptions in Chapters 4 and 6
Appendix E: Electromagnetic Pulse on the Time Axis and its Spectrum
Appendix F: Basic Concept of Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy
F.1 Formal Development of Correlation Spectra
F.2 Practical Significance of Correlation Spectra
F.3 Numerical Computation of Correlation Spectra
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Mitsuo TasumiI,Experimental Infrared,Practical Methods