Knitting America a glorious heritage from warm socks to high art 1st Edition by Susan Strawn, Melanie Falick – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0760340110, 9780760340110
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0760340110
ISBN 13: 9780760340110
Author: Susan Strawn, Melanie Falick
“Susan has placed the history of knitting within the context of American history, so we can clearly see how knitting is intertwined with such subjects as geography, migration, politics, economics, female emancipation, and evolving social mores. She has traced how a melting pot of knitting traditions found their way into American culture via vast waves of immigration, expanded opportunity for travel, and technology.” —Melanie Falick This is the history that Knitting America celebrates. Beautifully illustrated with vintage pattern booklets, posters, postcards, black-and-white historical photographs, and contemporary color photographs of knitted pieces in private collections and in museums, this book is an exquisite view of America through the handiwork of its knitters.
Knitting America a glorious heritage from warm socks to high art 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1 The First American Knitters
Chapter 2 Victorians Knit in a Culture of Domesticity
Chapter 3 Knitting for the Civil War
Chapter 4 Traveling Stitches
Chapter 5 Knitting for an Age of Optimism
Chapter 6 The Knitting War
Chapter 7 The Knitting Doldrums of the 1920s
Chapter 8 Back to the Knitting Needles in the 1930s
Chapter 9 An Army of Knitters
Chapter 10 The Family that Knits Together . . .
Chapter 11 Worldly Knitting
Chapter 12 Knitting Redefined
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Susan Strawn,Melanie Falick,Knitting,America