Place and displacement in the narrative worlds of Jorge Luis Borges 1st Edition by Nataly Tcherepashenets 0820463957 by Nataly Tcherepashenets – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0820463957, 9780820463957
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0820463957
ISBN 13: 9780820463957
Author: Nataly Tcherepashenets
Place and Displacement in the Narrative Worlds of Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortázar engages the notions of place and displacement as heuristic devices for literary analysis of Borges’s and Cortázar’s narratives. It maps out these authors’ visions of place and displacement in some of their most famous texts; locates the ‘place’ of Borges’s texts within Cortázar’s fictional universe; and delineates new routes in communication between different literary traditions, and philosophical and anthropological discourses. This book also suggests that the challenge of a strict opposition between place and displacement in Borges’s and Cortázar’s works is both representative and emblematic of a continuum of Latin American literature.
Place and displacement in the narrative worlds of Jorge Luis Borges 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Place in Borges’s Stories and the Irony of Revelation
Familiar Places, Hidden Challenges: Revelation Present and Dissipated in “El Aleph”
Dreaming in Circles, Facing the Ruins: the Mystery and Limitations of the Human Self in “Las ruinas circulares”
The Illusion of Power: the Magic Disc, Human Vulnerability, and the Divine Presence in “El disco”
The Infinite Book: Fear and Longing
Chapter 2. Place as Displacement in Rayuela
Towards the Challenge and the Refuge: Oliveira’s Paris and the Capital Cities in 19th Century Novels
Borges’s Voice in Cortázar’s Buenos Aires
Talita’s Dream: Between Borgesian and Carnivalesque Worlds
The Carnivalesque City and the Anxiety of Alienation
Oliveira’s Homelessness: Displacement as No-Placement
Chapter 3. Fictional and ‘Real’ Places in Borges’s and Cortázar’s Works
The ‘Exotic’ or/and the ‘Familiar’: “Someone’s Land” and the Traditions of Literary Utopia
Challenging Conventions and Breaking Illusions: the City and the Language in 62: Modelo para armar
Revisiting the Minotaur: Heterotopia as Place and Mode of Representation in Borges’s “La casa de Asterion”
Boarding the Ship: the Unresolved Mystery of Cortázar’s “Malcolm”
Chapter 4. Displacement, Dream, and Archive in Borges’s Essays
Dreaming with Freud: Displacement, Art, and Magic in “El sueño de Coleridge”
The Repression of Archive and the Archivization of Repression in “La muralla y los libros”
Shaping the Word: Displacement and Dialogical Discourse in Borges’s “La muralla y los libros” and in Franz Kafka’s “The Great Wall of China”
Chapter 5. Displacement and the Divided Self in Cortázar’s Stories
Crossing the Bridge: Psychological Division and the Writing of Discontent in “Lejana”
Beyond the Door: Rediscovering the Multiple Self in “La puerta condenada”
Divided Lives, Overlapping Spaces, and the Impossibility of Self-Deception in “Cartas de mamá”
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