Private Sector Involvement in the EMU The Power of Ideas Routledge Advances in European Politics 10 1st editon by Stefan Collignon – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1134417020, 9781134417025
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1134417020
ISBN 13: 9781134417025
Author: Stefan Collignon
This book looks at the role of the Association for Monetary Union in Europe’s role in the construction of the Euro. It argues that the AMUE played a prominent role in the adoption of a number of proposals related to the single currency and had a guiding influence on the transition from a market-let to an institution-centred approach to monetary uni
Private Sector Involvement in the EMU The Power of Ideas Routledge Advances in European Politics 10 1st Table of contents:
1. Introduction: Public Consensus and EMU
Grasping Actors Beyond the State
Research On EMU: State of the Art
Consensus and the Construction of Social Reality
2. Foundations
The Origins of the Giscard–Schmidt Committee (CMUE)
A Joint Grand Strategy
The Committee’s Ideas and Activities
The Association for the Monetary Union of Europe (AMUE)
3. A Common or a Single Currency?
Hopes and Doubts About the Ecu
Delors’ Ambivalence
A Strategy for the Ecu
4. The Crises and the Phoenix
The Maastricht Treaty
The European Monetary System In Crisis
Preparing the Changeover
5. Campaigning for EMU
The Populist Temptation
German Dissensus Over EMU
Convergence and Dissent In Europe
Mediating Across the Borders
Methodological Challenges
Political Implications
Annexe 1: Introduction
Individual Preferences
Social Preferences
Collective Preferences
Annexe 2: The Crises and the Phoenix
Annexe 3: Campaigning for EMU
A Two-Sector Model of Profit Margins
Annexe 4: List of Interviewees
Informal Discussions
Annexe 5: List of Expert Groups
Study for the European Parliament On EMS Reform
The Sustainability Report Working Group
Annexe 6: List of Former AMUE Board Members
1. Introduction
2. Foundations
3. A Common or a Single Currency?
4. The Crises and the Phoenix
5. Campaigning for EMU
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