Schaums Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits 4th Edition by Mahmood Nahvi, Joseph Edminister – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0071393072, 9780071393072
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ISBN 10: 0071393072
ISBN 13: 9780071393072
Author: Mahmood Nahvi, Joseph Edminister
Fortunately for you, there’s Schaum’s Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum’s is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.
Schaums Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits 4th Table of contents:
1.1 Electrical Quantities and SI Units
1.2 Force, Work, and Power
1.3 Electric Charge and Current
1.4 Electric Potential
1.5 Energy and Electrical Power
1.6 Constant and Variable Functions
Circuit Concepts
2.1 Passive and Active Elements
2.2 Sign Conventions
2.3 Voltage-Current Relations
2.4 Resistance
2.5 Inductance
2.6 Capacitance
2.7 Circuit Diagrams
2.8 Nonlinear Resistors
Circuit Laws
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
3.3 Kirchhoff’s Current Law
3.4 Circuit Elements in Series
3.5 Circuit Elements in Parallel
3.6 Voltage Division
3.7 Current Division
Analysis Methods
4.1 The Branch Current Method
4.2 The Mesh Current Method
4.3 Matrices and Determinants
4.4 The Node Voltage Method
4.5 Input and Output Resistance
4.6 Transfer Resistance
4.7 Network Reduction
4.8 Superposition
4.9 Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems
Amplifiers and Operational Amplifier Circuits
5.1 Amplifier Model
5.2 Feedback in Amplifier Circuits
5.3 Operational Amplifiers
5.4 Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal Op Amps
5.5 Inverting Circuit
5.6 Summing Circuit
5.7 Noninverting Circuit
5.8 Voltage Follower
5.9 Differental and Difference Amplifiers
5.10 Circuits Containing Several Op Amps
5.11 Integrator and Differentiator Circuits
5.12 Analog Computers
5.13 Low-Pass Filter
5.14 Comparator
Waveforms and Signals
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Periodic Functions
6.3 Sinusoidal Functions
6.4 Time Shift and Phase Shift
6.5 Combinations of Periodic Functions
6.6 The Average and Effective (RMS) Values
6.7 Nonperiodic Functions 6.8 The Unit Step Function
6.9 The Unit Impulse Function
6.10 The Exponential Function
6.11 Damped Sinusoids
6.12 Random Signals
First-Order Circuits
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Capacitor Discharge in a Resistor
7.3 Establishing a DC Voltage Across a Capacitor
7.4 The Source-Free RL Circuit
7.5 Establishing a DC Current in an Inductor
7.6 The Exponential Function Revisited
7.7 Complex First-Order RL and RC Circuits
7.8 DC Steady State in Inductors and Capacitors
7.9 Transitions at Switching Time
7.10 Response of First-Order Circuits to a Pulse
7.11 Impulse Response of RC and RL. Circuits
7.12 Summary of Step and Impulse Responses in RC and RL. Circuits
7.13 Response of RC and RL Circuits to Sudden Exponential Excitations
7.14 Response of RC and RL Circuits to Sudden Sinusoidal Excitations
7.15 Summary of Forced Response in First-Order Circuits
7.16 First-Order Active Circuits
Higher-Order Circuits and Complex Frequency
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Series RLC Circuit
8.3 Parallel RLC Circuit
8.4 Two-Mesh Circuit
8.5 Complex Frequency
8.6 Generalized Impedance (R, L, C) in s-Domain
8.7 Network Function and Pole-Zero Plots
8.8 The Forced Response
8.9 The Natural Response
8.10 Magnitude and Frequency Scaling
8.11 Higher-Order Active Circuits
Sinusoidal Steady-State Circuit Analysis
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Element Responses
9.3 Phasors
9.4 Impedance and Admittance
9.5 Voltage and Current Division in the Frequency Domain
9.6 The Mesh Current Method
9.7 The Node Voltage Method
9.8 Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems
9.9 Superposition of AC Sources
AC Power
10.1 Power in the Time Domain
10.2 Power in Sinusoudal Steady State
10.3 Average or Real Power
10.4 Reactive Power
10.5 Summary of AC Power in R, L, and C
10.6 Exchange of Energy Between an Inductor and a Capacitor
10.7 Complex Power, Apparent Power, and Power Triangle
10.8 Parallel-Connected Networks
10.9 Power Factor Improvement.
10.10 Maximum Power Transfer
10.11 Superposition of Average Powers
Polyphase Circuits
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Two-Phase Systems
11.3 Three-Phase Systems
11.4 Wye and Delta Systems
11.5 Phasor Voltages
11.6 Balanced Delta-Connected Load
11.7 Balanced Four-Wire, Wye-Connected Load
11.8 Equivalent Y and A-Connections
11.9 Single-Line Equivalent Circuit for Balanced Three-Phase Loads
11.10 Unbalanced Delta-Connected Load
11.11 Unbalanced Wye-Connected Load
11.12 Three-Phase Power
11.13 Power Measurement and the Two-Wattmeter Method
Frequency Response, Filters, and Resonance
12.1 Frequency Response
12.2 High-Pass and Low-Pass Networks
12.3 Half-Power Frequencies
12.4 Generalized Two-Port, Two-Element Networks
12.5 The Frequency Response and Network Functions
12.6 Frequency Response from Pole-Zero Location
12.7 Ideal and Practical Filters
12.8 Passive and Active Filters
12.9 Bandpass Filters and Resonance
12.10 Natural Frequency and Damping Ratio
12.11 RLC Series Circuit; Series Resonance
12.12 Quality Factor
12.13 RLC Parallel Circuit, Parallel Resonance
12.14 Practical LC Parallel Circuit
12.15 Series-Parallel Conversions
12.16 Locus Diagrams
12.17 Scaling the Frequency Response of Filters
Two-port Networks
13.1 Terminals and Ports
13.2 Z-Parameters
13.3 T-Equivalent of Reciprocal Networks
13.4 V-Parameters
13.5 Pi-Equivalent of Reciprocal Networks
13.6 Application of Terminal Characteristics
13.7 Conversion Between 2- and Y-Parameters
13.8 -Parameters
13.9 g-Parameters
13.10 Transmission Parameters
13.11 Interconnecting Two-Port Networks
13.12 Choice of Parameter Type
13.13 Summary of Terminal Parameters and Conversion
Mutual Inductance and Transformers
14.1 Mutual Inductance
14.2 Coupling Coefficient
14.3 Analysis of Coupled Coils
14.4 Dot Rule
14.5 Energy in a Pair of Coupled Coils
14.6 Conductively Coupled Equivalent Circuits
14.7 Linear Transformer
14.8 Ideal Transformer
14.9 Autotransformer
14.10 Reflected Impedance
Circuit Analysis Using Spice and Pspice
15.1 Spice and PSpice
15.2 Circuit Description
15.3 Dissecting a Spice Source File
15.4 Data Statements and DC Analysis
15.5 Control and Output Statements in DC Analysis
15.6 Thévenin Equivalent
15.7 Op Amp Circuits
15.8 AC Steady State and Frequency Response
15.9 Mutual Inductance and Transformers
15.10 Modeling Devices with Varying Parameters
15.11 Time Response and Transient Analysis
15.12 Specifying Other Types of Sources
15.13 Summary
The Laplace Transform Method
16.1 Introduction
16.2 The Laplace Transform
16.3 Selected Laplace Transforms
16.4 Convergence of the Integral
16.5 Initial-Value and Final-Value Theorems
16.6 Partial-Fractions Expansions
16.7 Circuits in the s-Domain
16.8 The Network Function and Laplace Transforms
Fourier Method of Waveform Analysis
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Trigonometric Fourier Series
17.3 Exponential Fourier Series
17.4 Waveform Symmetry
17.5 Line Spectrum
17.6 Waveform Synthesis
17.7 Effective Values and Power
17.8 Applications in Circuit Analysis
17.9 Fourier Transform of Nonperiodic Waveforms
17.10 Properties of the Fourier Transform
17.11 Continuous Spectrum
Complex Number System
Al Complex Numbers
A2 Complex Plane
A3 Vector Operator j
A4 Other Representations of Complex Numbers
A5 Sum and Difference of Complex Numbers
A6 Multiplication of Complex Numbers
A7 Division of Complex Numbers
A8 Conjugate of a Complex Number
Matrices and Determinants
B1 Simultenaneous Equations and the Characteristic Matrix
B2 Type of Matrices
B3 Matrix Arithmetic
B4 Determinant of a Square Matrix
B5 Eigenvalues of a Square Matrix
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