Slow Light Science and Applications 1st Edition by Jacob Khurgin, Rodney Tucker – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1420061518, 9781420061512
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ISBN 10: 1420061518
ISBN 13: 9781420061512
Author: Jacob B. Khurgin, Rodney S. Tucker
One of the Top Selling Physics Books according to YBP Library Services The exotic effects of slow light have been widely observed in the laboratory. However, current literature fails to explore the wider field of slow light in photonic structures and optical fibers. Reflecting recent research, Slow Light: Science and Applications presents a comprehensive introduction to slow light and its potential applications, including storage, switching, DOD applications, and nonlinear optics. The book covers fundamentals of slow light in various media, including atomic media, semiconductors, fibers, and photonic structures. Leading authorities in such diverse fields as atomic vapor spectroscopy, fiber amplifiers, and integrated optics provide an interdisciplinary perspective. They uncover potential applications in both linear and nonlinear optics. While it is impossible to account for all the captivating developments that have occurred in the last few years, this book provides an exceptional survey of the current state of the slow light field.
Slow Light Science and Applications 1st Table of contents:
Part I: Fundamental Physics of Slow Lightin Different Media
Chapter 1: Slow Light in Atomic Vapors
1.1 Introduction
1.2 First Experiments in Slow Light
1.3 EIT
1.4 Two-Level Systems
1.5 Dispersion Management
1.6 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2: Slow and Fast Light in Semiconductors
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Slow Light Based on CPO in Quantum Wells
2.3 Slow Light Based on CPO in Quantum Dots
2.4 Room-Temperature Operation of Slow Light Based on CPO in Quantum Dots
2.5 Fast and Slow Light Based on CPO and FWM in the Gain Regime
2.6 Slow Light Scheme Based on Spin Coherence
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3: Slow Light in Optical Waveguides
3.1 Slow Light via Stimulated Scattering
3.1.1 Slow Light via SBS
3.1.2 Slow Light via SRS
3.2 Coherent Population Oscillations
3.3 EIT in Hollow-Core Fibers
3.4 Wavelength Conversion and Dispersion
3.5 Conclusion
Chapter 4: Slow Light in Photonic Crystal Waveguides
4.1 Introduction
4.2 How Does a Photonic Crystal Generate Slow Light?
4.2.1 Slow Light in 2D
4.2.2 Slow Light Away from the Bandedge
4.3 Enhancement of Linear Interaction
4.4 Comparison of Cavities and Slow Light Waveguides
4.4.1 Intensity Enhancement
4.4.2 Bandwidth Comparison
4.4.3 Comparison to Coupled Cavity Waveguides
4.4.4 Implications of the FOM Nonlinear Refractive Index Linear Refractive Index
4.5 Losses
4.6 Coupling
4.7 Conclusions
Part II: Slow Light in Periodic Photonic Structures
Chapter 5: Periodic Coupled Resonator Structures
5.1 Introduction
5.2 General Description
5.2.1 CROW Dispersion Relation
5.2.2 SCISSOR Dispersion Relation
5.2.3 Comparison between CROWs and SCISSORs
5.3 Standing-Wave Resonators
5.3.1 FP CROWs
5.3.2 Two-Channel FP SCISSORs
5.4 Some Practical Considerations
5.4.1 Finite-Size Effects
5.4.2 Delay, Bandwidth, and Loss
5.5 Experimental Progress
5.5.1 Passive Microring CROWs
5.5.2 CROWs with Optical Gain
5.6 Conclusions
Chapter 6: Resonator-Mediated Slow Light: Novel Structures, Applications and Tradeoffs
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Vertically Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguide as a Delay Line
6.2.1 Ideal Vertically Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguide
6.2.2 Absorption
6.2.3 Fundamental Restrictions and Fabrication Problems
6.3 Interference in Resonator Chains
6.4 Resonator-Stabilized Oscillators
6.5 Slow Light in Systems with a Discrete Spectrum
Chapter 7: Disordered Optical Slow-Wave Structures: What Is the Velocity of Slow Light?
7.1 Introduction: The Tight-Binding Optical Waveguide
7.1.1 Slow-Wave Dispersion Relationship
7.1.2 Optical Signal Processing: The Next Generation?
7.1.3 Puzzling Question: The Velocity of Disordered Light
7.1.4 Care Needed When Using “Bandsolver” Simulation Tools
7.1.5 Density of States
7.2 Formalism
7.3 Spectrum of the Solutions: General Principles
7.3.1 Experimental Determination of M and the Coupling Coefficients
7.4 Special Forms of the Coupling Matrix
7.4.1 Quick Method to Calculate the Density of States ρ(ω)
7.5 Models of Disorder and the Calculation of ρ(ω)
7.5.1 Randomness in the Coupling Coefficients
7.5.2 Randomness in the Diagonal Terms
7.6 Velocity of Slow Light in Disordered Structures
7.7 Localization of Fields
7.8 Summary
Appendix A: Two Pendulum Bobs Coupled by a Spring
Appendix B: Derivation of Equation 7.6 and the Coupling Coefficient Κ
Directional Waveguide Couplers
Part III: Slow Light in Fibers
Chapter 8: Slow and Fast Light Propagation in Narrow Band Raman-Assisted Fiber Parametric Amplifiers
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Theoretical Model
8.2.1 SRS-Assisted OPA in Isotropic Fibers
8.2.2 SRS-Assisted OPA in a Birefringent Fiber Statistical Analysis of Gain and Delay Limits
8.2.3 Averaged PMD Model of Fiber NB-OPA
8.2.4 Effect of Longitudinal Variations of Propagation Parameters Uniqueness and Spatial Resolution Estimation Procedure Results
8.3 Experimental Results
Appendix A: Group Delay Calculations in Isotropic Fibers
Appendix B: Gain Calculations for a Birefringent Fiber
Appendix C: Group Delay Calculations in Birefringent Fibers
Chapter 9: Slow and Fast Light Using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering: A Highly Flexible Approach
9.1 Monochromatic Pump
9.2 Modulated Pump
9.3 Multiple Pumps
Part IV: Slow Light and Nonlinear Phenomena
Chapter 10: Nonlinear Slow-Wave Structures
10.1 Fundamentals on SWS
10.2 Nonlinear Phase Modulation
10.3 SPM and Chromatic Dispersion
10.3.1 Dispersion Regimes
10.3.2 Power Limiting
10.3.3 Soliton Propagation
10.4 Cross-Phase Modulation
10.5 Nonlinear Spectral Response
10.6 Four Wave Mixing
10.7 Modulation Instability
Chapter 11: Slow Light Gap Solitons
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Background
11.2.1 Linear Properties of Gratings
11.2.2 Nonlinear Properties of Gratings
11.3 Experiment
11.4 Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 12: Coherent Control and Nonlinear Wave Mixing in Slow Light Media
12.1 Introduction
12.1.1 Group Velocity: Kinematics
12.1.2 Slow Light in a Gas of Three-Level Λ Atoms
12.1.3 Propagation in Coherent Media Delay Time via EIT Interference and Frequency Stabilization via Slow and Fast Light
12.2 Nonlinear Wave Mixing via Slow Light
12.2.1 Forward Brillouin Scattering
12.2.2 Coherent Control of Nonlinear Mixing: Coherent Backscattering Spectroscopy via Slow Light Nonlinear Light Steering Implementation of Obtained Results
Part V: Dynamic Structures for Storing Light
Chapter 13: Stopping and Storing Light in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Optical Microresonators
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Linear Optical Response
13.2.1 Quantum Well Structure
13.2.2 SCISSOR Structure
13.3 Band Structures
13.4 Stopping and Storing Light in BSQWs
13.5 Conclusion
Chapter 14: Stopping Light via Dynamic Tuning of Coupled Resonators
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Theory
14.2.1 Tuning the Spectrum of Light
14.2.2 General Conditions for Stopping Light
14.2.3 Tunable Fano Resonance
14.2.4 From Tunable Bandwidth Filter to Light-Stopping System
14.2.5 Numerical Demonstration in a Photonic Crystal
14.2.6 Dynamic Tuning Suppresses Dispersion
14.2.7 Stopping Light via Loss Tuning
14.3 Experimental Progress
14.3.1 General Requirements for Microresonators
14.3.2 Experiments with Microring Resonators
14.3.3 Experiments with Photonic Crystals
14.3.4 Prospects for Loss Tuning
14.4 Outlook and Concluding Remarks
Part VI: Applications
Chapter 15: Bandwidth Limitation in Slow Light Schemes
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Atomic Resonances
15.3 Photonic Resonances
15.4 Double-Resonant Atomic SL Structures
15.5 Double-Resonant Photonic SL Structures—Cascaded Gratings
15.6 Tunable Double-Resonant Atomic SL Structures—Electromagnetic Transparency (EIT)
15.7 Coupled Photonic Resonator Structures
15.8 Dispersion Limitation of Nonlinear Photonic SL Devices
15.9 Conclusions
Chapter 16: Reconfigurable Signal Processing Using Slow-Light-Based Tunable Optical Delay Lines
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Slow-Light-Based Tunable Delay Lines
16.2.1 Overview of Slow-Light Techniques
16.2.2 Applications of Slow-Light-Based Tunable Delay Lines
16.2.3 Slow-Light-Induced Data Distortion and Its Mitigation Data-Pattern-Dependent Distortion Figures of Merit Distortion Mitigation
16.3 Phase-Preserving Slow Light
16.3.1 Delaying DPSK Signals
16.3.2 DPSK Data-Pattern Dependence and Its Mitigation
16.3.3 Spectrally Efficient Slow Light
16.4 Signal Processing Applications
16.4.1 Variable-Bit-Rate OTDM Multiplexer
16.4.2 Multichannel Synchronizer
16.4.3 Simultaneous Multiple Functions
16.4.4 Other Applications
16.5 Summary
Chapter 17: Slow Light Buffers for Packet Switching
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Packet Switch Architectures
17.3 Buffers
17.3.1 Buffer Capacity in Packet Switches
17.3.2 Delay Line Buffer Architectures Slow Light Delay Line Buffers FIFO Using Cascaded Delay Lines FIFO Using Adiabatically Slowed Light
17.3.3 Physical Size
17.3.4 Waveguide Losses and Energy Consumption
17.3.5 Resonator Buffers
17.3.6 Electronic Buffers
17.3.7 Comparison of Buffer Technologies
17.4 Conclusions
Chapter 18: Application of Slow Light to Phased Array Radar Beam Steering
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Radar System Background
18.3 Squinting in Phase Shifter Beam Forming
18.4 TTD Beam-Forming Requirements
18.4.1 Delay Precision
18.4.2 Amplitude Precision
18.4.3 Bandwidth
18.4.4 Other Considerations
18.5 Summary
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Jacob Khurgin,Rodney Tucker,Light,Applications