The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox 1st editon by Wendy Smith, Marianne Lewis, Paula Jarzabkowski – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0191069388, 9780191069383
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ISBN 10: 0191069388
ISBN 13: 9780191069383
Author: Wendy K. Smith; Marianne W. Lewis; Paula Jarzabkowski
The notion of paradox dates back to ancient philosophy, yet only recently have scholars started to explore this idea in organizational phenomena. Two decades ago, a handful of provocative theorists urged researchers to take seriously the study of paradox, and thereby deepen our understanding of plurality, tensions, and contradictions in organizational life. Studies of organizational paradox have grown exponentially over the past two decades, canvassing varied phenomena, methods, and levels of analysis. These studies have explored such tensions as today and tomorrow, global integration and local distinctions, collaboration and competition, self and others, mission and markets. Yet even with both the depth and breadth of interest in organizational paradoxes, key issues around definitions and application remain. This Handbook seeks to aid, engage, and fuel the expanding interest in organizational paradox. Contributions to this volume depict how paradox studies inform, and are informed, by other theoretical perspectives, while creating a resource that enables scholars to learn about and apply this lens across varied organizational phenomena. The increasing complexity, volatility, and ambiguity in our world continually surfaces paradoxical dynamics. Thus, this Handbook offers insights to scholars across organizational theory.
The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox 1st Table of contents:
Part I Foundations and Approaches
1. Ad Fontes: Philosophical Foundations of Paradox Research
2. Psychoanalytic Theory, Emotion, and Organizational Paradox
3. A Road Map of the Paradoxical Mind: Expanding Cognitive Theories on Organizational Paradox
4. What Paradox?: Developing a Process Syntax for Organizational Research
5. Organizational Dialectics
6. Circumventing the Logic and Limits of Representation: Otherness in East–West Approaches to Paradox
Part II Paradoxical Phenomena in and beyond Organizations
7. Critical Management Studies and Paradox
8. Beyond Managerial Dilemmas: The Study of Institutional Paradoxes in Organization Theory
9. Paradoxes of Organizational Identity
10. Alternate Prisms for Pluralism and Paradox in Organizations
11. Paradox in Positive Organizational Scholarship
12. Managing Normative Tensions within and across Organizations: What Can the Economies of Worth and Paradox Frameworks Learn from Each Other?
13. The Role of Irony and Metaphor in Working through Paradox during Organizational Change
14. Reflections on the Paradoxes of Modernity: A Conversation with James March
15. Paradox at an Inter-Firm Level: A Coopetition Lens
16. Pathways to Ambidexterity: A Process Perspective on the Exploration–Exploitation Paradox
17. Gender and Organizational Paradox
18. Navigating the Paradoxes of Sustainability
19. The Paradoxes of Time in Organizations
20. On Organizational Circularity: Vicious and Virtuous Cycles in Organizing
21. Tensions in Managing Human Resources: Introducing a Paradox Framework and Research Agenda
22. Looking at Creativity through a Paradox Lens: Deeper Understanding and New Insights
23. “I Am … I Said”: Paradoxical Tensions of Individual Identity
24. The Paradoxical Mystery of the Missing Differences between Academics and Practitioners
25. Paradox in Everyday Practice: Applying Practice-Theoretical Principles to Paradox
Part III Engaging Paradoxes
26. Methods of Paradox
27. Expanding the Paradox–Pedagogy Links: Paradox as a Threshold Concept in Management Education
28. Paradox and Polarities: Finding Common Ground and Moving Forward Together: A Case Study of Polarity Thinking and Action in Charleston, South Carolina
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Wendy Smith, Marianne Lewis, Paula Jarzabkowski,Organizational Paradox