Transformation of Collective Intelligences Perspective of Transhumanism 1st Edition by Jean Max Noyer – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1119370922, 9781119370925
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ISBN 10: 1119370922
ISBN 13: 9781119370925
Author: Jean-Max Noyer
There is a great transformation of the production of knowledge and intelligibility. The “digital fold of the world” (with the convergence of NBIC) affects the collective assemblages of “thought”, of research. The aims of these assemblages are also controversial issues. From a general standpoint, these debates concern “performative science and performative society”. But one emerges and strengthens that has several names: transhumanism, post-humanism, speculative post-humanism. It appears as a great narration, a large story about the future of our existence, facing our entry into the Anthropocene. It is also presented as a concrete utopia with an anthropological and technical change. In this book, we proposed to show how collective intelligences stand in the middle of the coupling of ontological horizons and of the “process of bio-technical maturation”.
Transformation of Collective Intelligences Perspective of Transhumanism 1st Table of contents:
1 Elements of the General Configuration and Adaptive Landscape of Collective Intelligences
1.1. The intertwined narratives of tangible Utopias and brilliant futures
1.2. Intelligence is “always already collective and machined”
1.3. Collective intelligences in the weaving of data
1.4. Semiotics and statistics
1.5. Data cities and human becomings: the new milieus of intelligence
1.6. Coupling OD/big data/data mining
1.7. The semantic web as intellectual technology.
1.8. Toward understanding onto-ethologies.
1.9. Marketing intelligences: data and graphs in the heat of passions.
1.10. Personal data: private property as an open and unstable process
1.11. The figures of the network
1.12. Machinic interfaces: social subjection and enslavement
1.13. Collective intelligences and anthropological concerns
1.14. Toward a new encyclopedic state: first overview
1.15. Controversies and boundaries
1.16. The milieus of intelligence and knowledge.
1.17. Which criteria for writings?
1.18. Collective intelligences of usage and doxic collective intelligences: the status of short forms.
1.19. Collective intelligences, self-organization, “swarm” intelligences
1.20. Short forms, relinkage, relaunching
1.21. Insomniac commentary as a catastrophic correction of short forms
1.22. Twitter as a Markovian Territory: a few remarks
2 Post- and Transhumanist Horizons
2.1. Some bioanthropotechnical transformations.
2.2. What to do with our brain?.
2.3. About transhumanism and speculative posthumanism
2.4. Epigenetic and epiphylogenetic plasticity
2.5. Speculative uncertainties
2.6. Trans- and posthumanism as they present themselves
3 Fragmented Encyclopedism
3.1. Collective intelligences and the encyclopedic problem
3.2. The political utopia in store
3.3. Encyclopedism and digital publishing modes.
3.4. A new documentary process
3.5. Fragmented encyclopedism: education/interfaces
3.6. Encyclopedism and correlations.
3.7. “Perplication” in knowledge
3.8. Networks of the digital environment
3.9. Knowledge and thought in fragmented encyclopedism
3.10. What criteriology for encyclopedic writings?
3.11. Borders in fragmented encyclopedism: autoimmune disorders and disagreement
3.12. Fragmented encyclopedism: a habitat for controversies?
3.13. Encyclopedism according to the semantic and sociosemantic web (ontologies and web): mapping(s) and semantic levels
3.14. From ontologies to “onto-ethologies” and assemblages
3.15. Fragmented encyclopedism in the digital age: metalanguage and combinatorial.
3.16. From fragmented encyclopedism to gaseous encyclopedism
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