Understanding Syntax 3rd Edition by Maggie Tallerman – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1444112058, 978-1444112054
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1444112058
ISBN 13: 978-1444112054
Author: Maggie Tallerman
Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, Understanding Syntax, Third Edition discusses and illustrates the major terms and concepts essential to the study of sentence structure in the world’s languages. Word classes such as “noun” and “verb” are explained, and the properties of these categories are discussed. You will discover what is meant by the terms “subject” and “object,” what a finite verb is, and what relative clauses look like. Concepts such as “gender,” “case,” and “subordination” are introduced and exemplified, with extensive illustration from English and many other languages. Grammatical constructions and relationships within the clause are fully covered, including verb serialization, ergativity, and head- and dependent-marking grammars.
This new edition has been updated and revised to meet the needs of today’s students. Difficult points are given fuller explanation, references have been updated, and important skills are taught, such as how to read examples from languages other than English.
Understanding Syntax 3rd Table of contents:
1.1 What is the Study of Syntax?
1.2 Why Use Examples Beyond English?
1.3 Common Linguistic Structures
Exercises -
Word Classes
2.1 Identifying Word Classes
2.2 Verb Classes and Grammatical Categories
2.3 Nouns and Their Categories
2.4 Adjectives: Functions and Forms
2.5 Adverbs and Adjectives
2.6 Prepositions and Adpositions
2.7 Conclusion
Exercises -
3.1 Independent Clauses and Verbs
3.2 Subordinate Clauses
3.3 Strategies for Clause Formation
Further Reading
Exercises -
Heads and Dependents
4.1 The Role of Heads
4.2 Head-Initiated and Head-Final Languages
4.3 Relationships Between Heads and Dependents
Further Reading
Exercises -
Sentence Structure
5.1 Evidence for Sentence Structure
5.2 Relationships in Syntax Trees
5.3 Developing Syntax Diagrams
5.4 Summary
Exercises -
Grammatical Relations
6.1 Indicating Grammatical Relations
6.2 Word Order Patterns
6.3 Argument Divisions
6.4 Verb Agreement Systems
6.5 Subjects and Objects Across Languages
6.6 Case Study: Free Word Order
Further Reading
Exercises -
Specialized Constructions
7.1 Passive and Impersonal Constructions
7.2 Grammatical Relations in Constructions
7.3 Applicative and Causative Constructions
Further Reading
Exercises -
Movements and Relative Clauses
8.1 Wh-Questions
8.2 Relative Clauses
8.3 Focus Movements and Scrambling
8.4 Conclusions
Exercises -
Advanced Topics
9.1 Investigating Syntactic Questions
9.2 Case Study: Colloquial Welsh
9.3 Further Questions in Syntax
9.4 Final Thoughts
Sources of Data Used in Examples
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